\n (end of line character)
[See also nicknames; real name; usernames] channel, prefixes for
nicknames, usernames, and real names, on XChat
NAMES #channel command
Net::IRC module
example bot
finding users with
writing Perl IRC bot using
downloading the module
event-driven framework
results from
running the script
Net::IRC::Event module
netcat (shell command)
tail -f input file to netcat
Network Address Translation (NAT), using Ident from behind
network bots bridging two
BridgeBot class (Java)
BridgeBotMain class (Java)
file-sharing bot
FileBot class (Java)
FileBotMain class (Java)
incorporating basic web server
linking channels on multiple networks
ChannelLinkBot class
remote shell, getting
DCC connections
ShellBot class
tail log files
TailBot class
TailBotMain class
TailThread class
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
networks automatically connecting at XChat startup
connecting client to multiple
differences in
different nicknames on
rules specification in MOTD
selecting for X-Chat Aqua
of servers
maintenance by operators
servers, linking
configuring the servers
linking the servers
O\:Lines in ircd.conf, editing
setting for XChat
statistics on, viewing with IRC search engine
newsgroups IRC bot that checks for new posts
connecting to news server
NntpBot class (Java)
NntpConnection class (Java)
/nick command (mIRC), modifying
NICK command (Telnet IRC connection)
nickname completion BitchX client
ChatZilla client
irssi client
mIRC client
XChat client
nicknames adding to trusted list
adding to your webcam
choosing for Telnet connection to IRC
collection maintained by logging bot
collision attack
different, on different networks
getting from channels with PircBot
IMDB movie numbers, using
in IRC messages
indented, on XChat
mIRC options
registered with NickServ, fixing collisions
registering with NickServ
registering with QuakeNet L channel bot
seeking for user in a channel
selecting for X-Chat Aqua
sender, on ChatZilla
setting up in XChat user interface
Snak client
storing in HashSet for ISON command
tracking with pisg
on XChat client
NickServ ChanServ and
registering with
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
NntpBot class (Java)
NntpConnection class (Java)
No MOTD here reply code
normal text format reinstating in mIRC
reinstating with a bot
NOTICE command
noun-verb duality, IRC terms
novelty English used on IRC, instant messaging, and gaming
numbers, coloring in mIRC client
numeric identifiers for servers