finding out who set (on infobot)
infobot features, examples of
infobot support of
removing or changing on infobot
Festival speech synthesizer
/fignore nickname command
file-sharing bot
FileBot class (Java)
FileBotMain class (Java)
incorporating basic web server
filtering channel lists
Fire IRC client
firewalls bypassing with SSH
allowing for third parties
DCC connections, preventing
Ident protocol and
flags Eggdrop bots
infobot user entries
flood attacks
Eggdrop bot protection against
FOAF (Friend-Of-A-Friend) ontology
crawling FOAF files
parsing FOAF file
running FOAFBot
writing IRC interface
FOLDOC (Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing)
looking up words with DictBot
formatting, channel
free clients
[See also ChatZilla IRC client; Xchat client] Bersirc
Freeform Universal Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine (FUDGE)
freenode IRC network
connection to, on X-Chat Aqua
statistics about, viewing
[See FOAF ontology] full name (mIRC options)
fun bots artificial intelligence bot
JMegaHal package
Markov modeling
comic strips, creating
comic strip templates
downloading and setting up ComicBot
running ComicBot
DiceBot class (Java)
egg timer
evaluating mathematical expressions
MathBot class
MathBotMain class
trivia bot
compiling and running
Question class
questions file
TriviaBot class
TriviaBotMain class
functions defined in IRCLib extension