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NAME attribute
<APPLET> tag : The <APPLET> Tag (NUT)
<PARAM> tag : The <PARAM> Tag (NUT)
name attribute (<applet> tag)
Embedding an Applet in a Web Page (JLR)
The Complete Applet Tag (EXJ)
named methods : Invoking a Named Method (NUT)
names : Naming Conventions (JLR)
Attributes (EXJ)
The Complete Applet Tag (EXJ)
Loading Class Files (EXJ)
classes : Class Name (JLR)
clipboards : Clipboard Methods (AWT)
of components : Component Methods (AWT)
constructors : Constructor name (JLR)
of data flavors (MIME types) : DataFlavor Methods (AWT)
directories and files : File methods (EXJ)
filenames : Compiling a Java Source File (JLR)
of fonts
The Font Class (AWT)
Fonts (EXJ)
inner classes : Class Literals (JLR)
interface : Interface Name (JLR)
labels : Labeled Statements (JLR)
local variables : Local variable name (JLR)
menu components : MenuComponent Methods (AWT)
Method name (JLR)
Interface method name (JLR)
NAME parameter
<APPLET> tag : The Applet Tag (AWT)
<PARAM> tag : The Applet Tag (AWT)
package : Packages (JLR)
packages : A Word About Package Names (EXJ)
Variable name (JLR)
Interface variable name (JLR)
class files : Java Filenames and Directory Structure (NUT)
constructors : Defining a Constructor (NUT)
fields : No Global Variables (NUT)
fully qualified names : No Global Variables (NUT)
JavaBean API and : Naming Patterns and Conventions (NUT)
methods : No Global Variables (NUT)
packages : Globally Unique Package Names (NUT)
variables : No Global Variables (NUT)
NaN (not a number) (value)
Math Utilities (EXJ)
Glossary (EXJ)
NaN value
String Concatenation (JFC)
Double (JFC)
Float (JFC)
Floating-Point Types (NUT)
Floating-point types (JLR)
Double (JLR)
Float (JLR)
native methods
Method modifiers (JLR)
A Virtual Machine (EXJ)
Packages (EXJ)
Glossary (EXJ)
native modifier
Modifiers (NUT)
Modifiers (NUT)
native2ascii program
New JDK Utilities (NUT)
native2ascii (NUT)
natural logarithms : java.lang.Math (EXJ)
needsDictionary( ) : Inflater (JFC)
needsGui( ) : (Reference page) (NUT)
needsInput( )
Deflater class : Deflater (JFC)
Inflater class : Inflater (JFC)
negate( )
BigDecimal class : BigDecimal (JFC)
BigInteger class : BigInteger (JFC)
negation (!) operator, boolean : Boolean Negation Operator ! (JLR)
negation (~) operator, bitwise : Bitwise Negation Operator ~ (JLR)
negative numbers
Integer types (JLR)
Floating-point types (JLR)
NegativeArraySizeException : Runtime exceptions (JLR)
Double (JFC)
Float (JFC)
Floating-point types (JLR)
Double (JLR)
Float (JLR)
unary minus (-) and : Unary Minus Operator - (JLR)
zero : Floating-point types (JLR)
negative zero, data types for : Floating-Point Types (NUT)
NegativeArraySizeException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
NEGATIVE_INFINITY (value) : Math Utilities (EXJ)
NEGATIVE_INFINITY constant : String Concatenation (JFC)
arrays (see multi-dimensional arrays)
statement blocks : Lexical Scope of Declarations (JLR)
top-level classes/interfaces
Nested top-level classes and interfaces (JLR)
Nested Top-Level and Member Classes (JLR)
Nested Top-Level Interfaces (JLR)
nested initializers : Multidimensional Arrays (NUT)
nesting comments : Comments (EXJ)
Java Compared (EXJ)
Glossary (EXJ)
Applets and Files (EXJ)
Web Browsers and Handlers (EXJ)
Netscape Navigator : Abstract Window Toolkit Overview (AWT)
FileDialog class and : FileDialog (AWT)
network byte order : The DateAtHost Client (EXJ)
Network Time Protocol (NTP) : The DateAtHost Client (EXJ)
connection-oriented protocols
Sockets (JFC)
Sockets for Connection-Oriented Protocols (JFC)
connectionless protocols
Sockets (JFC)
Sockets for Connectionless Protocols (JFC)
sockets : Sockets (JFC)
networks : Network Programming (EXJ)
new operator
Creating Objects (NUT)
Objects Are Instances of a Class (NUT)
New Syntax for Member Classes (NUT)
Array Types (JLR)
Variables (EXJ)
The New Operator (EXJ)
Object creation (EXJ)
Classes (EXJ)
Constructors (EXJ)
Glossary (EXJ)
anonymous classes and : Anonymous Classes (NUT)
creating arrays : Creating and Destroying Arrays (NUT)
multidimensional arrays and : Multidimensional Arrays (EXJ)
newEras( ) : DateFormatSymbols (JFC)
newInstance( )
Class (JFC)
Object Creation (JLR)
Other exceptions (JLR)
Class (JLR)
Array class
Array (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Class class
Creating Objects (NUT)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Constructor class
Constructor (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
newInstance( ) : java.lang.Class (EXJ)
newLine( ) : (Reference page) (NUT)
BufferedWriter class : BufferedWriter (JFC)
newlines (see whitespace)
newLocalPatternChars( ) : DateFormatSymbols (JFC)
newPixels( ) : MemoryImageSource (AWT)
newsgroups, Java : Online Resources (JLR)
newsgroups, Java-related : Other Java Books and Resources (AWT)
NewtonScript : Safety of Implementation (EXJ)
newZoneStrings( ) : DateFormatSymbols (JFC)
next( )
CardLayout Methods (AWT)
BreakIterator (JFC)
CardLayout (EXJ)
CardLayout class : (Reference page) (NUT)
CharacterIterator interface
CharacterIterator (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
CollationElementIterator class
CollationElementIterator (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Random class : Random (JFC)
StringCharacterIterator class : StringCharacterIterator (JFC)
nextBytes( )
Random class : Random (JFC)
nextDouble( )
ChoiceFormat (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Random class : Random (JFC)
nextDouble( ) : Random Numbers (EXJ)
nextElement( ) : Enumeration (JFC)
Enumeration interface
Enumerations (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
StringTokenizer class
StringTokenizer (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
nextElement( )
java.util.StringTokenizer (EXJ)
java.util.Enumeration (EXJ)
nextFloat( ) : (Reference page) (NUT)
Random class : Random (JFC)
nextFloat( ) : Random Numbers (EXJ)
nextFocus( ) : Component Methods (AWT)
nextGaussian( )
Random (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
nextGaussian( ) : Random Numbers (EXJ)
nextInt( ) : (Reference page) (NUT)
Random class : Random (JFC)
nextInt( ) : Random Numbers (EXJ)
nextLong( ) : (Reference page) (NUT)
Random class : Random (JFC)
nextLong( ) : Random Numbers (EXJ)
nextToken( )
StreamTokenizer (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
(Reference page) (NUT)
StringTokenizer class : StringTokenizer (JFC)
nextToken( ) : java.util.StringTokenizer (EXJ)
-noasyncgc option (java) : Garbage Collection (EXJ)
-noasyncgc option, java : Garbage Collection (JFC)
NoClassDefFoundError (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Errors (JLR)
non-preemptive thread scheduling
Yielding (JFC)
Yielding (JLR)
nonexistent files : Getting the Content as an Object (EXJ)
NonZeroDigit characters : Integer literals (JLR)
normalizeMimeType( ) : DataFlavor Methods (AWT)
normalizeMimeTypeParameter( ) : DataFlavor Methods (AWT)
NORM_PRIORITY (value) : Priorities (EXJ)
NoRouteToHostException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
NoSuchElementException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
NoSuchFieldError (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
NoSuchFieldError error : Errors (JLR)
NoSuchFieldException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Other exceptions (JLR)
NoSuchMethodError (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Errors (JLR)
NoSuchMethodException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Other exceptions (JLR)
not( ) : BigInteger (JFC)
not (!) operator : run( ) (EXJ)
not equal (see inequality operator)
not operator (see negation operator)
not-a-number (NaN) value : Floating-Point Types (NUT)
not-a-number value
Double (JFC)
Float (JFC)
Floating-point types (JLR)
Double (JLR)
Float (JLR)
not-equal-to (!=) operator : Not-Equal-To-Operator != (JLR)
NotActiveException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
notify( )
Optimistic Single-Threaded Execution (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Optimistic Single-Threaded Execution (JLR)
Object (JLR)
wait( ) and notify( ) (EXJ)
IllegalMonitorStateException and : IllegalMonitorStateException (JFC)
Object class : Object (JFC)
notifyAll( )
Optimistic Single-Threaded Execution (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Optimistic Single-Threaded Execution (JLR)
Object (JLR)
IllegalMonitorStateException and : IllegalMonitorStateException (JFC)
Object class : Object (JFC)
notifyAll( )
wait( ) and notify( ) (EXJ)
The Message Passer (EXJ)
Pipes (EXJ)
notifyObservers( ) : Observable (JFC)
Writing Classes to Work with Serialization (JFC)
NotSerializableException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
-noverify option (java) : The Java Interpreter (EXJ)
NTP (Network Time Protocol) : The DateAtHost Client (EXJ)
null (value)
Variables (EXJ)
Glossary (EXJ)
character : Declaration and initialization (EXJ)
reference : null (EXJ)
null keyword
Reference Types (JLR)
null (JLR)
null value
null (NUT)
The if/else, while, and do/while Statements (NUT)
Reference Types (JLR)
NullPointerException : (Reference page) (NUT)
references : NullPointerException (JFC)
NullPointerException (JFC)
null (JLR)
Runtime exceptions (JLR)
Variables (EXJ)
null (EXJ)
Runtime exceptions (JLR)
Double (JLR)
Float (JLR)
Wrappers for Primitive Types (EXJ)
numbers (see Character class)
Integer literals (JLR)
Instance Variables (EXJ)
Integer types (JLR)
Floating-point types (JLR)
DateFormat class : (Reference page) (NUT)
DecimalFormat class
DecimalFormat (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
digits (see Character class)
Enumeration interface : (Reference page) (NUT)
Floating-point types (JLR)
Floating-point literals (EXJ)
hexadecimal : Integer literals (EXJ)
integer literals : Integer literals (EXJ)
Internationalization (NUT)
Handling Local Customs (NUT)
java.math package : The java.math Package (NUT)
math utilities : Math Utilities (EXJ)
NaN (value)
Math Utilities (EXJ)
Glossary (EXJ)
Number class
Number (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
Number (JLR)
NumberFormat class
NumberFormat (JFC)
Handling Local Customs (NUT)
The java.text Package (NUT)
(Reference page) (NUT)
NumberFormatException (JFC)
(Reference page) (NUT)
octal : Integer literals (EXJ)
out-of-range values : Math Utilities (EXJ)
positive/negative infinity : Floating-Point Types (NUT)
positive/negative zero : Floating-point types (JLR)
psuedo-random : (Reference page) (NUT)
Random class : Random (JFC)
randomly generated
java.lang.Math (EXJ)
Random Numbers (EXJ)
sign of : Integer types (JLR)
SimpleDateFormat class : (Reference page) (NUT)
special : Floating-point types (JLR)

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