Exploring Java

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Java supports both C-style block comments delimited by /* and */ and C++-style line comments indicated by //:

/*  This is a 
            comment.    */ 
// This is a single line comment 
// and so // is this 

As in C, block comments can't be nested. Single-line comments are delimited by the end of a line; extra // indicators inside a single line have no effect. Line comments are useful for short comments within methods because you can still wrap block comments around large chunks of code during development.

By convention, a block comment beginning with /** indicates a special "doc comment." A doc comment is commentary that is extracted by automated documentation generators, such as Sun's javadoc program that comes with the Java Development Kit. A doc comment is terminated by the next */, just as with a regular block comment. Leading spacing up to a * on each line is ignored; lines beginning with @ are interpreted as special tags for the documentation generator:

 * I think this class is possibly the most amazing thing you will 
 * ever see. Let me tell you about my own personal vision and
 * motivation in creating it. 
 * <p> 
 * It all began when I was a small child, growing up on the 
 * streets of Idaho. Potatoes were the rage, and life was good... 
 * @see PotatoPeeler 
 * @see PotatoMasher 
 * @author John 'Spuds' Smith 
 * @version 1.00, 19 Dec 1996 

javadoc creates HTML class documentation by reading the source code and the embedded comments. The author and version information is presented in the output and the @see tags make hypertext links to the appropriate class documentation. The compiler also looks at the doc comments; in particular, it is interested in the @deprecated tag, which means that the method has been declared obsolete and should be avoided in new programs. The compiler generates a warning message whenever it sees you use a deprecated feature in your code.

Doc comments can appear above class, method, and variable definitions, but some tags may not be applicable to all. For example, a variable declaration can contain only a @see tag. Table 4.1 summarizes the tags used in doc comments.

Table 4.1: Doc Comment Tags
Tag Description Applies to
@see Associated class name Class, method, or variable
@author Author name Class
@version Version string Class
@param Parameter name and description Method
@return Description of return value Method
@exception Exception name and description Method
@deprecated Declares an item obsolete Class, method, or variable

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