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Index: U

-u flag (apache): 2.2. Apache's Flags
"unable to get hostbyname" error: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
uname2id(): 14.6.13. User and Group Functions
unblock_alarms(): 14.6.16. Timeout and Alarm Functions
unescape_url(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
unformatted menus: 7.3.5. ImapMenu
unique_id_child_init(): Example
Unix operating system
configuring server: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
DBM files: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
file limits: 3.6.6. Unix File Limits
making Apache: 1.8.5. Making Apache
multiple IP addresses: 1.3.1. Multiple Sites: Unix
passwords: 5.3. Passwords Under Unix
permissions: 2.4.4. Unix Permissions
restarting Apache: 3.12. Restarts
suEXEC wrapper: 4.7. suEXEC on Unix
versions of: 1.6. Which Unix?
virtual hosts: 3.6. Controlling Virtual Hosts on Unix
unpacked directory (on CD-ROM): 0.2. The Demonstration CD-ROM
uri_components structure: 14.6.23. URI Functions
URIs (uniform resource identifiers): 1. Getting Started
API functions for: 14.6.23. URI Functions
URLs (uniform resource locators): 1. Getting Started
API functions for: 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
digest authentication: 5.1. Authentication Protocol
5.7. Digest Authentication
imagemaps: 7.3.1. ImapBase
limiting directives to: 3.3.4. < Location> and < LocationMatch>
redirecting upon errors: 3.1.1. ErrorDocument
rewriting: 8.8. Rewrite
12.9. URL Rewriting
spell-checking: 8.9. Speling
12.10. Miscellaneous
translating to names: 15.3.9. Translate Name
UseCanonicalName directive: 3.4.2. UseCanonicalName
User directive: User
UserDir directive: 8.5. UserDir
API functions for: 14.6.13. User and Group Functions
automatic information on: 5.10. Automatic User Information
checking if access allowed: 15.3.13. Check User ID
creating: 2.4.1. Webuser and Webgroup
DBM files: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
home directories: 8.5. UserDir
permissions (see permissions)
security and: 13.1. Internal and External Users
uudecode(): 14.6.11. String Functions

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