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-c flag (httpd/apache): 2.2. Apache's Flags
CacheDefaultExpire directive: 9.2.6. CacheDefaultExpire
CacheDirLength directive: 9.2.7. CacheDirLevels and CacheDirLength
CacheDirLevels directive: 9.2.7. CacheDirLevels and CacheDirLength
CacheGcInterval directive: 9.2.3. CacheGcInterval
CacheLastModifiedFactor directive: 9.2.5. CacheLastModifiedFactor
CacheMaxExpire directive: 9.2.4. CacheMaxExpire
CacheNegotiatedDocs directive: 9.2.8. CacheNegotiatedDocs
CacheRoot directive: 9.2.1. CacheRoot
CacheSize directive: 9.2.2. CacheSize
caching data: 9.2. Caching
configuring: 9.3. Setup
SSL global session cache: 13.6.6. The Global Session Cache
call_exec(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
"Can only generate PEM output from PEM input" error: 13.6.7. Site.SSL
can_exec(): 14.6.13. User and Group Functions
"cannot determine local hostname": 2.4.2. Running Apache Under Unix
carriage returns and line feeds (CRLF): 1.4. What the Client Does
CAs (certificate authorities): 13.3.1. Certificates
CD-ROM with this book: 0.2. The Demonstration CD-ROM
0.3. Conventions Used in This Book
CERN metafiles: 3.14. CERN Metafiles
certificates: 13.3.1. Certificates
exporting to CGIs: 13.9.1. SSLExportClientCertificates
testing: 13.6.5. Make a Test Certificate
cfg_getline(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
cgi-bin directory: 1.1. How Does Apache Work?
4.2.1. Script in cgi-bin
CGI (Common Gateway Interface): 1.1. How Does Apache Work?
4.2. Writing and Executing Scripts
actions and: 4.9. Actions
Alias directive and: 8. Redirection
Apache directives for: 4.3. Script Directives
Apache handlers for: 4.8. Handlers
API functions for: 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
environment variables: 4.6. Setting Environment Variables
executing scripts as includes: 10. Server-Side Includes
10.4. Execute CGI
headers: 4.2. Writing and Executing Scripts
modules to improve performance: 12.4. Faster CGI Programs
output to shells: 13.2. Apache's Security Precautions
script location: 4.2.1. Script in cgi-bin
SSL and: 13.9. SSL and CGI
suEXEC wrapper (Unix): 4.7. suEXEC on Unix
useful scripts: 4.4. Useful Scripts
cgi option (exec command): 10. Server-Side Includes
10.4. Execute CGI
cgi-script handler: 4.8. Handlers
chdir_file(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
CheckSpelling directive: 8.9. Speling
12.10. Miscellaneous
child_exit(): 15.3.19. Child Exit
child exits: 15.3.19. Child Exit
child initialization: 15.3.7. Child Initialization
child servers, limits on: 3.6.2. MaxRequestsPerChild
chmod command: 2.4.4. Unix Permissions
cipher suites: 13.8. Cipher Suites
circular imagemap hotspots: 7.3.4. HTML File
classes of networks: 1.2. What to Know About TCP/IP
cleanup_for_exec(): 14.6.4. Cleanup Functions
cleanups, API functions for: 14.6.4. Cleanup Functions
clear_pool(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
clients: 1.4. What the Client Does
close_unused_listeners(): 14.1. Pools
cmd option (exec command): 10. Server-Side Includes
10.4. Execute CGI
cmd_how structure: 15.3.5. Command Table
cmd_parms structure: 15.3.5. Command Table
command table: 15.3.5. Command Table
command_rec structure: 15.3.5. Command Table
comments in Configuration file: 1.8.2. Semimanual Method
1.8.4. Configuration Settings and Rules
compiling Apache
under Unix (making): 1.8.5. Making Apache
under Win32: 1.9.1. Compiling Apache Under Win32
conditional URL rewriting: 8.8.6. RewriteCond
conf directory: 1.1. How Does Apache Work?
2.1. What Is a Web Site?
specifying location of: 3.4.8. ServerRoot
config command: 10. Server-Side Includes
configtest flag (apachect1): 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
configuration file, Apache: 1.8.2. Semimanual Method
anonymous access: 5.8. Anonymous Access
digest authentication: 5.7. Digest Authentication
httpd.conf: 2.4.1. Webuser and Webgroup
inetd utility: 1.5. What Happens at the Server End?
logging: 11.5. Logging the Action
overrides: 5.12.1. AllowOverride
rewriting example: 8.8.8. A Rewrite Example
SSL: 13.6.7. Site.SSL
type maps: 6.4. Type Maps
virtual hosting: 3.8.1. Name-Based Virtual Hosts
configuration files, server: 2.3. site.toddle
API functions for: 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
information on: 11.4. Server Info
14.5. Access to Configuration and Request Information
modules: 14.2. Per-Server Configuration
15.3. The Module Structure
proxy servers: 9.3. Setup
settings and rules: 1.8.4. Configuration Settings and Rules
SSL for Apache: 13.6.1. Get SSLeay
Unix server: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
Win32 server: 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server
CONNECT method (HTTP): 4.1.2. What Is an HTTP Method?
construct_server(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
construct_url(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
Content-encoding header: 6.4. Type Maps
Content-language header: 6.4. Type Maps
Content-length header: 6.4. Type Maps
content negotiation: 6.2. Content Negotiation
Content-type directive: 6.4. Type Maps
Content-Type header: 4.2. Writing and Executing Scripts
4.2. Writing and Executing Scripts
controlling access (see access control)
CookieExpires directive: 5.10.5. CookieExpires
CookieLog directive: 5.10.3. CookieLog
cookies: 5.10.2. Cookies
CookieTracking directive: 5.10.4. CookieTracking
copy_array(): 14.6.2. Array Functions
copy_array_hdr(): 14.6.2. Array Functions
copy_listeners(): 14.1. Pools
copy_table(): 14.6.3. Table Functions
CoreDumpDirectory directive: 3.4.11. CoreDumpDirectory
"couldn't determine user name" error: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
count_dirs(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
counter modules: 12.3. Counters
CPU, limiting for CGI scripts: 4.3.6. RLimitCPU
create_event(): Event Functions
create_semaphore(): Semaphore Functions
create_thread(): Thread Functions
CRLF (carriage returns and line feeds): 1.4. What the Client Does
cryptography (see encryption)
CustomLog directive: 11.5.4. CustomLog
13.7.15. CustomLog

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