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14.5 recvmsg and sendmsg Functions

These two functions are the most general of all the I/O functions. Indeed, we could replace all calls to read, readv, recv, and recvfrom with calls to recvmsg. Similarly all calls to the various output functions could be replaced with calls to sendmsg.

#include <sys/socket.h>

ssize_t recvmsg(int sockfd, struct msghdr *msg, int flags);

ssize_t sendmsg(int sockfd, struct msghdr *msg, int flags);

Both return: number of bytes read or written if OK, –1 on error

Both functions package most arguments into a msghdr structure.

struct msghdr {
  void         *msg_name;        /* protocol address */
  socklen_t     msg_namelen;     /* size of protocol address */
  struct iovec *msg_iov;         /* scatter/gather array */
  int           msg_iovlen;      /* # elements in msg_iov */
  void         *msg_control;     /* ancillary data (cmsghdr struct) */
  socklen_t     msg_controllen;  /* length of ancillary data */
  int           msg_flags;       /* flags returned by recvmsg() */

The msghdr structure that we show is the one specified in POSIX. Some systems still use an older msghdr structure that originated with 4.2BSD. This older structure does not have the msg_flags member, and the msg_control and msg_controllen members are named msg_accrights and msg_accrightslen. The newer form of the msghdr structure is often available using conditional compilation flags. The only form of ancillary data supported by the older structure is the passing of file descriptors (called access rights).

The msg_name and msg_namelen members are used when the socket is not connected (e.g., an unconnected UDP socket). They are similar to the fifth and sixth arguments to recvfrom and sendto: msg_name points to a socket address structure in which the caller stores the destination's protocol address for sendmsg, or in which recvmsg stores the sender's protocol address. If a protocol address does not need to be specified (e.g., a TCP socket or a connected UDP socket), msg_name should be set to a null pointer. msg_namelen is a value for sendmsg, but a value-result for recvmsg.

The msg_iov and msg_iovlen members specify the array of input or output buffers (the array of iovec structures), similar to the second and third arguments for readv or writev. The msg_control and msg_controllen members specify the location and size of the optional ancillary data. msg_controllen is a value-result argument for recvmsg. We will describe ancillary data in Section 14.6.

With recvmsg and sendmsg, we must distinguish between two flag variables: the flags argument, which is passed by value, and the msg_flags member of the msghdr structure, which is passed by reference (since the address of the structure is passed to the function).

  • The msg_flags member is used only by recvmsg. When recvmsg is called, the flags argument is copied into the msg_flags member (p. 502 of TCPv2) and this value is used by the kernel to drive its receive processing. This value is then updated based on the result of recvmsg.

  • The msg_flags member is ignored by sendmsg because this function uses the flags argument to drive its output processing. This means if we want to set the MSG_DONTWAIT flag in a call to sendmsg, we set the flags argument to this value; setting the msg_flags member to this value has no effect.

Figure 14.7 summarizes the flags that are examined by the kernel for both the input and output functions, as well as the msg_flags that might be returned by recvmsg. There is no column for sendmsg msg_flags because, as we mentioned, it is not used.

Figure 14.7. Summary of input and output flags by various I/O functions.


The first four flags are only examined and never returned; the next two are both examined and returned; and the last four are only returned. The following comments apply to the six flags returned by recvmsg:


This flag is relatively new, supported by at least BSD, and is returned if the datagram was received as a link-layer broadcast or with a destination IP address that is a broadcast address. This flag is a better way of determining if a UDP datagram was sent to a broadcast address, compared to the IP_RECVDSTADDR socket option.


This flag is also a fairly recent addition, supported by at least BSD, and is returned if the datagram was received as a link-layer multicast.


This flag is returned if the datagram was truncated; in other words, the kernel has more data to return than the process has allocated room for (the sum of all the iov_len members). We will discuss this more in Section 22.3.


This flag is returned if the ancillary data was truncated; in other words, the kernel has more ancillary data to return than the process has allocated room for (msg_controllen).


This flag is cleared if the returned data does not end a logical record; the flag is turned on if the returned data ends a logical record. TCP does not use this flag since it is a byte-stream protocol.


This flag is never returned for TCP out-of-band data. This flag is returned by other protocol suites (e.g., the OSI protocols).


This flag is returned for SCTP receivers to indicate that the message read is an event notification, not a data message.

Implementations might return some of the input flags in the msg_flags member, so we should examine only those flag values we are interested in (e.g., the last six in Figure 14.7).

Figure 14.8 shows a msghdr structure and the various information it points to. We assume in this figure that the process is about to call recvmsg for a UDP socket.

Figure 14.8. Data structures when recvmsg is called for a UDP socket.


Sixteen bytes are allocated for the protocol address and 20 bytes are allocated for the ancillary data. An array of three iovec structures is initialized: The first specifies a 100-byte buffer, the second a 60-byte buffer, and the third an 80-byte buffer. We also assume that the IP_RECVDSTADDR socket option has been set for the socket, to receive the destination IP address from the UDP datagram.

We next assume that a 170-byte UDP datagram arrives from, port 2000, destined for our UDP socket with a destination IP address of Figure 14.9 shows all the information in the msghdr structure when recvmsg returns.

Figure 14.9. Update of Figure 14.8 when recvmsg returns.


The shaded fields are modified by recvmsg. The following items have changed from Figure 14.8 to Figure 14.9:

  • The buffer pointed to by msg_name has been filled in as an Internet socket address structure, containing the source IP address and source UDP port from the received datagram.

  • msg_namelen, a value-result argument, is updated with the amount of data stored in msg_name. Nothing changes since its value before the call was 16 and its value when recvmsg returns is also 16.

  • The first 100 bytes of data are stored in the first buffer; the next 60 bytes are stored in the second buffer; and the final 10 bytes are stored in the third buffer. The last 70 bytes of the final buffer are not modified. The return value of the recvmsg function is the size of the datagram, 170.

  • The buffer pointed to by msg_control is filled in as a cmsghdr structure. (We will say more about ancillary data in Section 14.6 and more about this particular socket option in Section 22.2.) The cmsg_len is 16; cmsg_level is IPPROTO_IP; cmsg_type is IP_RECVDSTADDR; and the next 4 bytes contain the destination IP address from the received UDP datagram. The final 4 bytes of the 20-byte buffer we supplied to hold the ancillary data are not modified.

  • The msg_controllen member is updated with the actual amount of ancillary data that was stored. It is also a value-result argument and its result on return is 16.

  • The msg_flags member is updated by recvmsg, but there are no flags to return to the process.

Figure 14.10 summarizes the differences among the five groups of I/O functions we described.

Figure 14.10. Comparison of the five groups of I/O functions.


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