5.3 Preprocessor Configurations
The Snort preprocessors have changed a lot
in recent versions. Old, standby preprocessors (like portscan2) are
gone, replaced with new methods born out of development work by the
open source community and the commercial incarnation of Snort from
Sourcefire. It seems that the code for some of these deprecated
preprocessors is still there—you could still use some of the
old functionality if that is what you are used to. We
won't talk about it here, however.
serve a few purposes. They normalize traffic for a variety of
services, ensuring that the data in the packets Snort is watching
will have the best chance of being in a format that the signatures
will recognize. Another function of the preprocessors is
self-defense. A variety of attacks have been developed that are
designed to confuse or overwhelm an NIDS sensor, so an attacker can
do her work unnoticed. The frag2 and stream4 preprocessors are
primarily defense mechanisms.
The final benefit provided by the preprocessors is that they extend
Snort's ability to detect network anomalies that may
be signs of intrusion—not just notice things that are contained
in the rule sets. Apart from just the raw performance that Snort
offers, the preprocessors serve to differentiate Snort from other
NIDS solutions on the market today.
5.3.1 flow
The flow preprocessor is going to be
the central storehouse for state keeping in Snort. Right now, there
is only one module for flow: flow-portscan (see below). flow watches
all traffic and keeps track of connections between unique systems and
between unique ports. When a new unique flow is detected, the
information is converted to a hash (smaller and faster to keep track
of than tracking IP addresses and port numbers) that is stored in a
memory-resident table.
The options for the flow preprocessor are:
- memcap
You can specify a cap for the memory allocated for flow tracking. By
default, flow uses about 10 megabytes of memory. For most
applications this is more than enough. If you start noticing dropped
packets in the statistic summary when Snort is terminated, or low
memory problems on the Snort system itself, you can reduce this
- rows
You can specify the number of rows in the hash table (the number of
unique flows). By default, this is set to 4,099 rows, which should be
- stats_interval
You can dump the statistics of the flow preprocessor to stdout. Its
value is an integer that represents the time (in seconds) between
dumps. This is useful for testing purposes, but can be disabled by
supplying 0 as the value. This information is dumped at shutdown, in
any case.
- hash
The method used for hashing the information in the table. Can be set
to 1 for "hash by byte" or 2 for
"hash by integer." Use
2—it's much faster.
Here's a recommended configuration for flow:
preprocessor flow: stats_interval 0 hash 2
5.3.2 frag2
When a packet is travelling from one
network to another, it occasionally needs to be broken (fragmented)
into a series of smaller packets, because the second network has a
limit on packet size that's smaller than the first
network. The pieces are reassembled when they reach their
destination. A number of network attacks have been based on using
very small packets to sneak past firewalls or intrusion detection
systems. For example, consider a Snort rule that is looking for the
string /users.pwd in the data section of a
packet. An attacker might create a fragmented sequence of small
packets in which each fragment only contains a few bytes of data: the
first fragment might contain /user, and the
second might contain s.pwd. These packets
won't trigger alert by themselves, because they
don't match the rule. The frag2 preprocessor, by
reassembling the fragments into a whole, allows snort to see the
"big picture" and detect the string
An attacker can also use
fragmentation to cause problems. Some devices do not handle
fragmented packets well and can crash as a result. Too many very
small packets can cause resource starvation on a system and
overlapping packets can confuse others. There's an
attack tool called Fragroute that fragments a network stream
(discussed in Chapter 4). frag2 has several
options that defend against these attacks.
The placement of the Snort sensor has a bearing on whether or not to
use the frag2 preprocessor. Some network devices perform fragment
reassembly before passing the traffic on. The Cisco PIX firewall is
one such device. If the Snort sensor is behind one of these devices,
the frag2 preprocessor has almost nothing to do and can likely be
disabled altogether, freeing up the resources for other
has several options:
- timeout
The number of seconds before an inactive session is flushed from
memory. It defaults to 60 seconds.
- memcap
The number of bytes of memory to set aside. The default of 4
Megabytes (4,194,304 bytes) is plenty for most applications.
- detect_state_problems
Turns on alerts for some unnatural fragmentation conditions (like
overlapping fragments). Since such conditions are very often sign of
malicious activity, this should be enabled for most environments.
- min_ttl
Sets the minimum time to live (ttl) accepted by the preprocessor. Set
to 0 by default.
- ttl_limit
Sets the maximum variance of ttl between packets of a network stream.
This should not vary too much and a wide variance may be a sign of
nefarious activity on the network. Defaults to a value of 5.
Here's a recommended configuration for frag2.
It's very simple. Because no options are used, the
colon can be omitted:
preprocessor frag2
5.3.3 stream4
stream4 was initially written to
protect Snort from a new class of attacks that attacked an
environment's NIDS sensors by overwhelming them with
packets containing strings likely to trigger alerts. These attacks
came to light with the release of two tools called stick and snot,
previously mentioned in our discussion of IDS evasion techniques
(Chapter 4). Stick actually uses the Snort
rules to create packets that match the characteristics that Snort is
watching for (it will also probably generate alerts for other IDS
solutions), thus flooding it with alerts. Since a network
conversation (at least a TCP session) is started by a three-way
handshake with a server, if there was a way to track the active
conversations that were set up correctly, it would be possible to
eliminate these stick packets since they are not part of an active
stream4 has two goals: stateful inspection and awareness and session
reassembly. Session reassembly is handled by the stream4_reassemble
preprocessor. For accurate function of stream4, stream4_reassemble
should be enabled.
Along with providing a defense against tools such as stick and snot,
tracking the state of a network conversation provides additional
benefit. We will discuss this in much more detail in Chapter 7, but stream4 gives us the ability to build
rules that watch a particular side of a conversation using the flow
keyword (not to be confused with the flow preprocessor). This helps
reduce false positives. To activate this stateful inspection by
rules, use the -z option at the command line. It
used to be necessary to use -z
est to enable this, but the
"est" is deprecated and no longer
needed (in fact, it causes an error).
The default settings for stream4 do a decent job, but consider tuning
things further to suit your environment (and to further reduce false
positives). The options for the stream4 preprocessor are:
- detect_scans
Disabled by default. This directive tells stream4 to generate an
alert when a portscan is detected. stream4 detects portscans that use
nonstandard methods to identify listening ports. For instance, if a
packet is sent to a port on a host with the FIN flag set, the host
responds with a RST packet if the port is closed and replies with
nothing if the port is open and listening. These are referred to as
stealth scans and can take a variety of forms.
Include this parameter if you are interested in detecting stealth
- detect_state_problems
Disabled by default. This generates an alert when a problem with the
state of a conversation is detected. This option generates a large
number of alerts and generally remains disabled in most environments.
Networks with Windows systems generate a large number of these
alerts. High-latency environments experience a large number of false
positives, since a system that transmits packets after an ACK is sent
causes alerts to be generated.
- disable_evasion_alerts
Disabled by default, too. If enabled, this option may detect
attackers trying to confuse the IDS by sending retransmissions of
packets, thinking that the second one would make it through. It is
also possible to send a data payload with a SYN packet. Since a SYN
packet is often used to initiate a TCP connection, it does not carry
a data payload by design. Generally, it is best to keep this option
- min_ttl
Sets a minimum time to live (ttl) setting for packets accepted into
the stream4 preprocessor. Some attacks may have an artificially low
ttl so that they make it to the IDS (overwhelming it), while the
packet does not make it to the actual server. This situation is
fairly rare, and it's usually acceptable not to set
a value for this option. This option defaults to 1.
- ttl_limit
Sets the maximum amount the time to live setting can vary in a
network conversation. Every time a packet travels through a router,
the ttl setting is decremented by one. During a network conversation,
the packets traveling between the two hosts follow generally the same
path across the network and the ttl should be fairly constant in each
direction. If an attacker is trying to insert packets into a network
conversation, the ttl may change, indicating an attack is underway.
Since routing is dynamic (thus, a change in ttl might not be
something nefarious), it is difficult to decide on a value for this
option (a flapping route might cause false positive alerts, too).
Most sources indicate that a value between 10 and 15 is reasonable.
This option defaults to 5.
- keepstats [machine, binary]
Disabled by default. If enabled, it outputs statistics on each
session tracked in one of two modes: machine dumps
to a text file; binary outputs a unified binary
format useable by tools like Barnyard.
- noinspect
Normally defaults to off. Tells stream4 to disable
stateful inspection of all packets that are destined for ports not
included in the stream4_reassemble's
ports option. (See Section 5.3.4 below for details on
the ports option). You might not be concerned with
traffic destined for ports that you are not listening on. In general,
you can leave this option off.
- timeout
Normally, when a TCP connection is torn down, it is pruned from the
session table. If the connection is not torn down or is improperly
torn down, this timeout setting prunes the session from the table
after an indicated period of time has passed without activity.
Essentially, it acts as an idle timer. This option defaults to a
value of 30 seconds—kind of short, for most environments. Since
the memory requirements are fairly low (on the order of a few
kilobytes) for the session table, setting this to 60 seconds is not a
bad idea.
- log_flushed_streams
If a packet in a monitored stream causes an alert, you can dump the
session information from stream4 to disk. This only works if you are
logging in pcap mode. This option does carry some
overhead and is not commonly enabled. The packet logs it generates
are difficult to work with.
- memcap
This looks for a number of bytes sets a limit on the amount of memory
allocated to stream4. Normally, the default value works fine, but if
you have the memory or are operating in an enterprise-class
environment with a dedicated sensor, you could ratchet this value up.
Keep in mind that the option is looking for a number of bytes, not
Megabytes. This option defaults to 8 Megabytes (8,388,608 bytes).
Here's a suggested setting for stream4:
preprocessor stream4: detect scans, disable_evasion_alerts, timeout 60, ttl_limit 10
5.3.4 stream4_reassemble
Snort relies on being able to match strings of characters in a
network packet to a string of characters in a signature. If an
attacker could split the characters that would normally match the
signature across multiple packets, Snort may not trigger an
alert—much like what happens with fragmented packets.
stream4_reassemble acts to
reassemble network traffic that is part of a stream of conversation
between two systems, increasing the chance of matching a signature.
Network conversations between highly interactive services (very often
command-line services like Telnet, FTP, and SMTP) can cause content
to be spread across multiple packets in the same way. Reassembly of
traffic generated by these services is essential to prevent missed
alerts (false negatives).
Another attack IDS evasion technique is to inject packets in the
middle of an attack with characteristics (like invalid checksums)
that cause the injected packets to be dropped by the target system.
stream4_reassemble looks past these injected packets, finding the
attack signature in the traffic stream.
There are a number of options for the stream4_reassemble preprocessor:
- clientonly
Only performs reassembly on the client side of the conversation
stream. If your sensor is having performance issues, you might want
to watch only one side—perhaps you are watching an internal
network that contains only clients and does not offer services to the
public Internet. In this case, you may want to enable the
clientonly option. This option is enabled by
- serveronly
Only performs reassembly on the server side of the conversation
stream. If your sensor is having performance issues, you might want
to only watch the one side. If your internal network only contains
server systems offering services to the Internet, you might want to
enable the serveronly option.
- both
Performs reassembly on both sides of the conversation. If your Snort
sensor is watching both clients and servers, you might want to enable
this option.
- noalerts
Reassembly is performed, but alerts are not generated for reassembly
attacks and evasions. Unless you are seeing a large number of false
positives, do not disable alerts for stream4_reassembly.
- ports [ list]
Specifies a list of ports that are reassembled. This greatly limits
the overhead of performing this task and normalizes traffic on
services that often have their content spread across multiple
packets. The ports are simply typed out with a space between them
(for example: 21 22 23 25 110 143 1433). By default the ports that
are reassembled are 21, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 111,143, 513, and 1433.
Here's a suggested setting for stream4_reassemble:
preprocessor stream4_reassemble: both
5.3.5 HTTP Inspect Preprocessor
There are a wide variety of ways that information can formatted in an
HTTP session. There are also a very large number of different types
on information that can be a part of an HTTP session (multimedia,
.xml, .HTML,
.asp, .php,
.java, and so on). As a result, Snort must
"massage" the content of HTTP
conversations so that the data is in a format that has the best
chance of being matched to the signatures. The http_inspect
preprocessor performs this task (http_inspect takes the place of
http_decode, found in previous versions of Snort).
There are two types of http_inspect configuration:
global and server. The
global configuration makes changes that affect all HTTP traffic. The
server configuration contains settings for a single server or a group
of similar servers. Since the different web servers encode things and
operate in different ways, you can configure the http_inspect_server
preprocessor to suit the needs of particular types of web
servers—most commonly, Microsoft Internet Information Server
(IIS) or Apache.
Note that you can only have one configuration line for http_inspect
(which is the global setting), but you can have multiple
http_inspect_server lines. It is also important to be aware that
http_inspect is not aware of the state of a packet it is examining.
It relies on other preprocessors to handle reassembly of traffic.
Rumor has it that stateful inspection will be added in the future. http_inspect (global)
This preprocessor contains settings that affect the inspection of all
HTTP traffic. The global http_inspect preprocessor has three
- iis_unicode_map < filename> [codemap < integer>]
This option is actually not optional. It needs to be included or an
error results. By default, the location of the map file (called
unicode.map) is included with the rules you
downloaded and extracted. It tells the preprocessor how to map
Unicode characters into ASCII text that can be matched to the
signatures. You must specify the normal code map to use (1252 is the
ANSI- Latin I code map that is used in English).
- detect_anomalous_servers
Generates an alert if standard HTTP traffic is detected on
nonstandard ports. Since many devices and services offer a web-based
interface on potentially nonstandard ports, this can be a source of
numerous false positives. This is not commonly enabled.
- proxy_alert
If you are using a proxy server to regulate your Internet users, this
option generates alerts for users that are not
using the proxy. It does not detect blind firewall proxies, however.
If you don't use a proxy server in your environment
(or are confident that people can't get around your
proxy), this has the potential of generating a very large number of
false positives.
Here's a suggested setting for http_inspect global:
preprocessor http_inspect: global iis_unicode_map unicode.map 1252 http_inspect_server
is the server configuration portion of the http_inspect preprocessor.
You can specify settings for the specific type of server or servers
in your environment. Most administrators have a server configuration
for their IIS servers and another for their Apache servers. At the
end of this section, I will include a sample of each.
There are many options for this preprocessor and at first it can seem
overwhelming. Start with the suggested settings and modify them as
you see them in action. Setting an option to
"no" prevents that option from
generating alerts, but doesn't disable the
option—the processing still takes place. There are two types of
http_inspect_server configurations:
"default" and "by
IP address." The
"default" configuration configures
the inspection of all web traffic that is not associated with a
specifically configured IP address. The "by IP
address" configuration specifies the settings for a
specific IP address or range of addresses. The options for the
http_inspect_server preprocessor are:
- default or < IP address>
Supply either the word "default" or
an IP address (or CIDR block of addresses).
- profile <all|apache|iis>
Since there are so many settings, you can choose a preconfigured set
of options by selecting apache or
iis. Select all to make a
custom configuration. Choose all for the default
configuration and select iis or
apache for specific servers or groups of servers.
If a profile is used, you cannot change the
settings that are part of the profile. This leaves
only four settings available for you to change:
ports, iis_unicode_map,
allow_proxy_use, and
flow_depth.The settings configured by the three
profile options are shown in Table 5-2, Table 5-3, and Table 5-4.
Table 5-2. Settings for profile "all"
Alert on chunks larger than 500,000 bytes
The map used in the global configuration
Table 5-3. Settings for profile "apache"
Alert on chunks larger than 500,000 bytes
Table 5-4. Settings for profile "iis"
The map used inthe global configuration
- ports {< port list>}
Lists the ports (separated by spaces and contained in the curly
brackets) on which HTTP services are offered.
- iis_unicode_map < filename> [codemap < integer>]
Identical to the configuration for the global configuration.
It's actually not optional; it needs to be included
or an error results. By default, the location of the map file (called
unicode.map) is included with the rules you
downloaded and extracted. It tells the preprocessor how to map
Unicode characters into ASCII text that can be matched to the
signatures. You must specify the normal code map you will use (1252
is the ANSI- Latin I code map that is used in English).
- flow_depth < integer>
Since most signatures alert in the first 150-300 bytes of an HTTP
packet's payload, we don't need to
look past that point. This greatly reduces the overhead of
- ascii <yes/no>
It is normal to see ASCII encoding in URLs. Disabling alerting is
recommended on this option.
- utf_8 <yes/no>
Apache uses UTF-8 encoding as a part of normal operation. It is
usually best to disable alerts on the presence of UTF-8 encoding.
- u_encode <yes/no>
Since there aren't any known web clients that use
this method of encoding, it is best to enable alerting when this
encoding is detected.
- bare_byte <yes/no>
This is a tricky way to identify IIS servers by how they react to a
particular set of non-ASCII characters used in UTF-8 encoding. The
short story is that no legitimate clients use this encoding and
alerting should be enabled.
- base36 <yes/no>
Enables the decode of base_36 characters. Commonly left off.
- iis_unicode <yes/no>
Unicode traffic usually indicates an attempted attack and alerting
should be enabled.
- double_decode <yes/no>
Alerts on an IIS attack trick that encodes Unicode with Unicode,
tricking the web server into doing bad things. Alerting should be
enabled since this is always naughty traffic.
- non_rfc_char {< list of bytes>}
This option allows you to alert on certain non-RFC character
(designated as a list of space-delimited bytes contained in curly
brackets). Be careful. If you specify a commonly used character, you
could end up generating a large number of false positives.
- multi_slash <yes/no>
Some web servers allow malicious activity if a URL is obfuscated by
including multiple directory slashes in a row. This would usually
indicate a malicious request and should be generate an alert.
- iis_backslash <yes/no>
If you want an alert when a Windows-style blackslash is used instead
of a normal foreward slash, set this to yes.
Either way, http_inspect normalizes these slashes.
- directory <yes/no>
Using strange strings of characters, some attackers can trick a web
server into performing a directory traversal. Characters such as
"/../" and
"_/" are normalized to
"/" by http_inspect. If you want an
alert for such traversal attempts, set this to
- apache_whitespace <yes/no>
Some Apache servers may be vulnerable to the replacement of a space
with a tab character. While enabling alerting may give you warning of
an attempted attack, it happens often enough that you may generate a
large number of false positives.
- iis_delimeter <yes/no>
Most web servers accept this delimiter without problem. There is
likely no need to alert on it.
- chunk_length <non-zero positive integer>
Over-large chunk lengths may be a method of attack. A setting of
500,000 bytes usually provides adequate discrimination between
attacks and tunneling protocols that use chunked encoding across
- no_pipeline_req
Turns inspection of pipeline encoding off. This should really only be
disabled if you are experiencing performance problems.
- non_strict
Some servers allow broken URIs (Apache, for instance). If you have
Apache servers, enable this option.
- allow_proxy_use
Allows proxy use on the specified web server. This option suppresses
alerts generated by this server for unauthorized proxy use (if
- no_alerts
Turns off all alerts generated by http_inspect.
- oversize_dir_length < non-zero positive integer>
If the directory length in a URL is over the size specified, an alert
is generated. Some application servers generate huge URLs that can be
a source of false positives. A setting of 300 should be sufficient.
- inspect_uri_only
If you are having performance issues, you can limit http_inspect to
watching only the URI portion of the HTTP request (which catches
90-95% of the actual attacks).
Here's a setting for a default http_inspect_server
configuration (this acts as a catch-all for servers not specifically
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server default profile all ports {80 8080}
Here's a setting for a server http_inspect_server
configuration for an IIS server (this tunes the options to best match
the characteristics of traffic to and from an IIS server):
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server profile iis ports {80 8080}
A sample setting for a server http_inspect_server configuration for
an Apache server (this greatly aids accurate alerting for
Apache-based web servers):
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server profile apache ports {80 8080}
5.3.6 rpc_decode
RPC's traffic can be spread across multiple packets
and encoded in a variety of ways. The
rpc_decode preprocessor normalizes
this traffic so that it is formatted in a consistant manner that
Snort can compare against the signature lists. A list of ports that
RPC services are running on is provided on the configuration line.
There are four additional options for rpc_decode:
- alert_fragments
Generates alerts for any fragmented RPC traffic. It is likely to
generate only false positives.
- no_alert_multiple_requests
Specifies that no alert be generated when more than one RPC request
is contained in a packet. By default, alerts are generated. Normally,
it is desirable to generate alerts when this happens. If in the
course of running Snort you find many false positives, you have the
option of disabling these alerts. Sometimes the combination of
stream4_reassembly coupled with rpc_decode can be a source of false
- no_alert_large_fragments
RPC fragments can be larger than the current fragment size. If you
are seeing false positives, you have the option for disabling these
- no_alert_incomplete
RPC messages can be very large—sometimes larger than the MTU of
the network they are traversing. This can be a cause of many false
positives for some RPC network services. If you are seeing many false
positives, consider disabling these alerts.
Here's a suggested setting for rpc_decode:
preprocessor rpc_decode:111 32771 1024
5.3.7 bo
Back Orifice
was created by a cracker organization
called the Cult of the Dead Cow (regulars at DefCon).
It is used for remote control of client systems. It is actually very
full-featured and includes the ability encrypt the data stream. The
encryption mechanism was not the most robust and can actually be
brute-forced on the fly by the bo preprocessor (with a significant
CPU penalty). With the now ubiquitous presence of antivirus software
in most environments and Back Orifice on the list of proscribed
applications, it is not nearly the problem it once was.
This preprocessor was created to watch for Back Orifice traffic and
decrypt it on the fly. It takes no arguments. Many administrators
disable the preprocessor altogether by commenting out the line with a
# character at the beginning of the line.
Here's a suggested setting for bo:
# preprocessor bo
5.3.8 telnet_decode
This preprocessor normalizes nonstandard characters and session
negotiation strings in Telnet and FTP traffic. It does not generate
alerts and has no options.
Here's a suggested setting for
preprocessor telnet_decode
5.3.9 flow-portscan
This (very complicated) preprocessor is brand new. Documentation is
thin and bug fixes are still being introduced. flow-portscan relies
on the flow preprocessor being configured and operational to function
(see the description of flow, above).
flow-portscan takes the place of
the portscan2 and conversation preprocessors. You might be familiar
with these (in fact, the support is still there, for time being); but
it's time to let go and move on. flow-portscan has
many advantages over the old ways—better performance, lower
memory costs, and a significant increase in configuration options.
There are three basic components of flow-portscan:
- Scoreboards
There are two indices that track the types of servers that Snort sees
transmitting on your network, called
scoreboards. They track two different types of
host, talkers and scanners.
A talker is any host that is active on your network. A scanner is a
host that makes a connection to a port on a server in the network you
have designated as the network containing your servers (called the
server watch net). Not every incoming packet is
a scan, just a potential scan.
- Uniqueness tracker
Tracks if a network connection is unique. To be unique, it must have
one of the following characteristics different from other network
traffic already detected: source IP address, destination IP address,
IP protocol, or destination port.
- Server statistics tracker
Used to track the number of times a particular service on a server in
your server watch net has had a connection made to it. This hit count
is tracked by destination IP address, destination port, and IP
This preprocessor develops a picture of how your servers are used in
the normal course of business. Ports that are consistently (and
legitimately) used are added to a list of ports that can be ignored
as potential portscan-generated connections. If a server is
recognized as performing business on port 80, connections to that
port will not be tallied. This ignore list also affects how the
scoreboards are tracked.
There are a large number of configuration options for this
preprocessor. They set time limits on how long certain metrics are
tracked, what networks contain servers, how much memory flow-portscan
can use, what kind and how much output flow-portscan generates, and
what networks and hosts can be ignored either as talkers or scanners.
Detecting stealthy portscans is very difficult (this is the reason
for the extreme measures taken to detect them accurately). An
attacker can use a number of strategies beyond messing with the
SYN/ACK/FIN flags. An attacker can:
Not attack ports in order Insert varying delays between probes for particular ports Interleave scans for several machines on your network Originate the scans from thousands of fictional addresses on his
network or different networks All of the above
We'll look at the options available for the
flow-portscan and then see some examples. The flow-portscan defaults
are a very good place to start. They are, for the most part, very
reasonable, and it is likely you will never need to change them. If
you find that you are missing scans or that you are generating too
many false positives, start tinkering. Now, on to the options:
- scoreboard-memcap-talker < bytes>
Defaults to 24 megabytes (25,165,824 bytes). It specifies how much
memory is used to track talkers.
- scoreboard-rows-talker < count>
Defaults to 1,000,000 and specifies the number of rows in the talker
- scoreboard-rows-scanner < count>
Defaults to 250,000 and specifies the number of rows in the scanner
- scoreboard-memcap-scanner < bytes>
Defaults to 6 megabytes (6,291,456 bytes) and specifies how much
memory is used to track scanners.
- scanner-fixed-threshold < integer>
Defaults to 15 and sets the number of points that a scanner must
accumulate in the scanner-fixed-threshold time range.
- scanner-sliding-threshold < integer>
Defaults to 40 and sets the number of points that a scanner must
accumulate in the scanner-sliding-threshold time range.
- scanner-fixed-window < integer>
Defaults to 15 and sets the number of seconds should elapse before
resetting the fixed scanner score.
- scanner-sliding-window < integer>
Defaults to 30 and sets the number of seconds that should elapse
before resetting the sliding scanner score.
- scanner-sliding-scale-factor < float>
Defaults to 0.5 and specifies the factor by which the sliding window
should be increased when a new sliding scanner entry is made.
- talker-fixed-threshold < integer>
Defaults to 15 and sets the number of points that a scanner must
accumulate in the talker-fixed-threshold time range.
- talker-sliding-threshold < integer>
Defaults to 30 and sets the number of points that a scanner must
accumulate in the talker-sliding-threshold time range.
- talker-fixed-window < integer>
Defaults to 30 and sets the number of seconds should elapse before
resetting the fixed talker score.
- talker-sliding-window < integer>
Defaults to 30 and sets the number of seconds that should elapse
before resetting the sliding talker score.
- talker-sliding-scale-factor < float>
Defaults to 0.5 and specifies the factor by which the sliding window
should be increased when a new sliding talker entry is made.
- unique-memcap < bytes>
Defaults to 24 megabytes (25,165,824 bytes). It specifies how much
memory is used to track uniqueness.
- unique-rows < integer>
Defaults to 1,000,000 and specifies how many rows to have in the
uniqueness tracking table.
- server-memcap < bytes>
Defaults to 2 megabytes (2,097,152 bytes). It specifies how much
memory is used to track servers.
- server-rows < integer>
Defaults to 65,536 and specifies how many rows to have in the server
tracking table.
- server-watchnet < ip list in Snort notation>
Specifies a list of IP addresses using the same format as that used
when configuring variables, above (the HOME_NET variable, for
example). It should specify where servers that offer services to the
external networks reside. This helps map how your servers are used
and allow Snort to only alert on anomalous activity. Increases the
accuracy of flow-portscan significantly.
- src-ignore-net < ip list in Snort notation>
Uses the same IP address list format as server-watchnet, but
specifies a range of addresses that flow-portscan can ignore as
source addresses.
- dst-ignore-net < ip list in Snort notation>
Uses the same IP address list format as server-watchnet, but
specifies a range of addresses that flow-portscan can ignore as
destination addresses.
- tcp-penalties <on|off>
Defaults to on and when enabled, allowing
flow-portscan to give strange TCP flag settings additional weight on
the scoreboard. For example, if the SYN and FIN flags are both set in
a packet, this counts as three points on the scoreboard since it is
almost always someone trying to be cute with a portscan.
- server-learning-time < seconds>
Defaults to 28,800 and is the amount of time that flow-portscan keeps
the counters for server port activity.
- server-ignore-limit < hit count>
Defaults to 500 and specifies how many legitimate connections to a
service flow-portscan must see before ignoring it as a possible
- server-scanner-limit < hit count>
Defaults to 500 and specifies how many requests on a port on an IP
address in the server-watchnet flow-portscan must see before labeling
it as a talker.
- alert-mode <once|all>
Defaults to once and triggers either a single
alert for a detected portscan or for each time a packet goes past
thresholds. You are strongly advised to use once
here. all is tremendously noisy.
- output-mode <msg|pktkludge>
Defaults to msg and specifies how flow-portscan
outputs its information. msg generates a variable
text message with appropriate scores included.
pktkludge generates a fake packet and use the
logging output system. This generates some strange data in the output
mechanism. msg is preferable in most
- base-score < integer>
Set to 1 by default. The only real reason to change this value is for
debugging changes to settings. Keep it set to 1.
- dumpall <1>
If you specify this option (with the value 1), Snort dumps the
contents of the server and uniqueness tables when it exits, as well
as the scoreboards. This might be interesting when tinkering with
settings, but generally is not that useful.
Here is a sample configuration for flow-portscan (remember that the
flow preprocessor must be configured and running for flow-portscan to
preprocessor flow-portscan: server-watchnet [,]
5.3.10 arpspoof
arpspoof is an experimental
preprocessor designed to detect nefarious activity on the local
network. It watches for the signs of someone using a tool such as
Ettercap or arpspoof that fools two hosts into letting a host perform
man-in-the-middle attacks on a conversation between them. It is
disabled by default. If the Snort sensor is not on the same local
network as the hosts it is protecting (there's a
routing device between them), then having this enabled provides no
value and only generates false positives and consumes resources. This
preprocessor requires the administrator to enter a static list of IP
addresses and their proper MAC addresses—the very definition of
labor intensive and administrative overhead. It makes Snort a nice
tool for rooting out suspected network attacks in progress, but the
return is not worth the labor involved in configuring the arpspoof
preprocessor (a capable network engineer can get this information
from a network devices's logs much easier).
Here's a suggessted setting for arpspoof:
# preprocessor arpspoof
# preprocessor arpspoof_detect_host: f0:0f:00:f0:0f:00
5.3.11 perfmonitor
One of the more highly touted features of the latest Snort is its
ability to monitor its own operational status.
perfmonitor measures
Snort's real-time and theoretical maximum
performance. When this preprocessor is turned on, it should also have
an output mode enabled. This is either
"console", which prints statistics
to the console window, or "file",
where the data is stored to a specified filename. The default
statistics that are processed are real-time variables of
Snort's performance. These include the following
- Packets received
- Packets dropped
- Percentage of packets dropped
- Packets Received
- Kpackets per second
- Average bytes per packets
- Mbits per second (wire)
- Mbits per second (rebuilt) (average Mbits Snort injects after rebuilding packets)
- Mbits per second (total)
- Pattern-matching percent (average percent of data received that Snort processes
- in pattern matching)
- CPU usage (user time, system time, idle time)
- Alerts per second
- SYN packets per second
- SYN/ACK packet per second
- New sessions per second
- Deleted sessions per second
- Total sessions
- Max sessions during time interval
- Stream flushes per second
- Stream faults per second
- Stream timeouts
- Frag completes per second
- Frag inserts per second
- Frag deletes per second
- Frag flushes per second
- Frag timeouts
- Frag faults
When the keyword "flow" is enabled,
it prints out the statistics regarding the type of traffic and
protocol distributions seen by Snort. The keyword
"events" turns on event reporting
and prints statistics about the number of signatures matched by the
setwise pattern matcher and the number of those matches that were
verified with the signature flags. These are called
nonqualified and qualified
events. It shows if there is a problem with the
user's rule set.
The keyword "max" turns on the
theoretical maximum performance that Snort calculates given the
processor speed and current performance. This is only valid for
uniprocessor machines, since many operating systems
don't keep accurate kernel statistics for multiple
CPUs. The keyword "pktcnt" adjusts
the number of packets to process before checking for the time sample.
This boosts performance since checking the time sample reduces
Snort's effectiveness. By default, this level is set
at 10,000.
Here are some examples of how to configure and enable the
perfmonitor preprocessor:
preprocessor perfmonitor: time 30 events flow file stats.profile max \
console pktcnt 10000
preprocessor perfmonitor: time 300 file /var/tmp/snortstat pktcnt 10000