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Introduction to WML

After installing these emulators, you are ready to make the first steps in WML programming. First, you have to remember what was already true for HTML: WML is a markup language, not a programming language. It provides the structure of a document. The rendering, however, is the job of the WAP browser. That means you cannot achieve a layout that is 100% consistent over all browsers and platforms. Given the small size of most displays, it is not exactly how a page looks that is important, but whether all information is clearly readable. Whereas with HTML, you can apply some tricks to force browsers into a representation of the content exactly as planned (using CSS, for instance), WML does not offer this capability, nor is it worth any effort. Always consider that your users pay a lot of money to their providers to access your content, so minimize redundancies and let users progress to the content quickly and easily.

WML Structure

The most important, and unusual, aspect of WML is the structure of a WML document. Basically, it is pure XML, so using your favorite XML editor is just fine. However underneath the hood, one WML document is called a deck. Within this deck, there exists one or more cards. The analogy to gambling is appealing and intentional. Each card is a document that can be displayed within a WAP browser. Imagine a spreadsheet document: It is one document (deck) consisting of various single sheets (cards) that can be connected with each other.

One of the reasons why this structure has been chosen lies in the low connection speed. Surfing a WAP page is expensive; however, the connection is established only on demand. So on many WAP pages, the deck returned from the server does not only contain the card with the home page, but also some other cards with additional pages. When a user requests one of those already available pages, they are not loaded from the server, they are already there and are displayed immediately, without recurring online cost.

The basic structure of the WML page is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- (optional) head section -->
  <!-- (optional) template section -->
  <card id="card1" title="my card">
  <!-- Card 1 -->
  <card id="card2">
  <!-- Card 2 -->

The first line of code identifies the document as an XML document. The DOCTYPE declaration that follows in line 2 uses the DTD for WML version 1.2 (other, minimally changed versions 1.1 and 1.3 also exist). These two XML elements are mandatory and appear on each WML document:

  • <wml> is the root element for WML documents. As defined in the XML specification, only one root element must exist per document. Thus, <wml> indicates a deck.

  • <card> defines a card in the WML deck. The (optional) parameter ID provides a unique name for the card. This name can later be used to reference specific cards in the deckfor instance, when linking to a special card. Also optional is the parameter title; if set, the provided text appears in most WAP browsers above the content (like the title bar in Web browsers).

When a WML document is loaded in the browser, the uppermost card is activated and displayed automatically. Thus, the home page of your WAP site usually lies in the first card of the first deck the server returns to the client.


Do you know HTML? Then you know a little bit about WML. Do you know XHTML strict? Then you know a lot about WML. One of the set of strict HTML rules is that all text has to be put within paragraphs, <p> elements. This is true for WML as well. A line break can be achieved using <br/>. The slash at the end is important. In XHTML (and in WML, too), each element must be closed. Thus <br> is not valid, <br></br> or the shorter <br/> is valid. Thus, here is probably your very first WML documentone in a series of many (see Listing 19.1 and its output in Figure 19.4):

Listing 19.1. A Simple WML Page
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1">
    WML is easier than I thought.

Figure 19.4. A simple WML page.

Some characters have to be expressed using special entities. Examples for such characters are angle brackets. They fulfill a special meaning in XML; thus, they have to be provided in an alternative way. Table 19.1 is a complete list of entities predefined in the WML DTD:

Table 19.1. WML Properties










(nonbreaking space)


soft hyphen





The provided text can be formatted in various ways. For formatting purposes, WML offers the elements shown in Table 19.2:

Table 19.2. Elements Used for Formatting Text








mostly bold (emphasized)






(mostly) italic



Listing 19.2 is a sample that uses these options:

Listing 19.2. Text Formatting
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1">
    Text can be made
      or <u>u(nderlined)</u>.

However, not all browsers support all these formatting options. Figure 19.5 shows the output in the 3330 Nokia simulatoryou see no formatting at all.

Figure 19.5. Text formattingbut the Nokia simulator does not implement this.


One of the most important aspects on a Web page is linkingotherwise, you would have to put all information on one page. As with HTML, linking is done with the <a> element, and the href attribute contains the target of the link. Between <a> and </a>, the link text is provided:

<a href="newpage.wml">click me!</a>

However, when directly linking to a WML page, the uppermost card is openedsomething that is not always desirable. However, WML offers something for that, too. Using the hash symbol, you can directly link to a card on a decklike you do with anchors in an HTML page. After the hash, you provide the value of the ID attribute of the card, its identifier:

<a href="newpage.wml">first card on the deck newpage.wml</a>
<a href="newpage.wml#card2">card with id "card2" on the deck newpage.wml</a>
<a href="#card3">card with id "card3" on the current deck</a>

The following example (see Listing 19.3) is our first deck with more than one card. All three cards are connected with each other using links:

Listing 19.3. Three Cards, Linked with Each Other
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <card id="php3" title="PHP3">
    PHP 3 was really good.
  <a href="#php4">PHP4</a><br />
  <a href="#php5">PHP5</a>

<card id="php4" title="PHP4">
    PHP 4 was even better.
  <a href="#php3">PHP3</a><br />
  <a href="#php5">PHP5</a>

<card id="php5" title="PHP5">
    PHP5 is a revolution (some fanatics say).
  <a href="#php3">PHP3</a><br />
  <a href="#php4">PHP4</a>


On your WAP browser, you can now jump from card to card (see Figure 19.6). Depending on the mobile phone, a link can be activated using one or more of the buttons on the device.

Figure 19.6. Card two of three.


On some browsers, you can change the text that appears on the lower-left edge of the screen when you select a link. For this, use the title attribute. However do not rely on it to workit is up to the browser developers whether this feature is supported.


One critical aspect of WML is the use of graphics. Even nowadays, most displays do not support colors, and transferring huge graphics using a slow WAP connection will not put your users in a good mood. To avoid this as much as possible, a special format for wireless Web access has been created, WBMP. The acronym stands for Wireless Bitmap, and it is basically a BMP file using only one color (no grayscale).

Most of the time, to create such bitmaps, you (or the person responsible for graphics on your website) do not need any special downloads. Starting with version 7.0, Adobe Photoshop enables you to export graphics in WBMP format. If you have previously installed the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit, you can also create WBMP graphics from within the application. Just choose the menu command File, New, WBMP Image. For other software products, filters exist. A Windows-only converter from standard graphics format to WBMP is available at


When you open a GIF or JPEG image in Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit, it is automatically converted to a WBMP graphic.

Before creating or converting a graphic, do consider that the graphics will not look as crisp as you might be used to from your website. Only one available color (black) is not much. Also, remember that displays are small, so try to shrink your company logo so that it fits. Figure 19.7 shows the PHP logo as WBMP.

Figure 19.7. The PHP logo as WBMP.

After you have created the graphic, you can embed it into your WML page using the <img> element. The attributes shown in Table 19.3 are possible:

Table 19.3. Attributes for the <img> Element




Alignment of the graphic (top, middle, bottom)


Alternative text if the graphic cannot be loaded or displayed


Height of the graphic (useful for shrinking/stretching)


Space in pixels left and right of the graphic


The URL of the WBMP graphic


Space in pixels above and below the graphic


Width of the graphic (for shrinking/stretching)

There are other attributes; however, these are the most important ones. Listing 19.4 inserts a graphic in a WML page; Figure 19.8 shows the result.

Listing 19.4. A WML Page with a Graphic
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1">
    This book was published by
    <img src="sams.wbmp" alt="SAMS" />.

Figure 19.8. The Sams logo as WBMP graphic.

WML Forms

One of the most important features of all browser-based markup languages are forms. Most of the time, forms are the only possibility for an interaction between a website/WAP site and the user. They let users enter text information or let them choose between a number of alternatives.

WML supports the following set of form elements:

  • Text fields

  • Password fields

  • Selection lists

  • Option buttons

  • Check boxes


Form elements are very useful to retrieve data. However, do always keep in mind that mobile devices have limited capabilities for entering this information. In particular, typing text must be done in a very intricate and tedious way. So keep the amount of required information limited.

Text and Password Fields

As previously mentioned, entering text or even passwords is not as easy with mobile devices as it is on a desktop computer with an actual keyboard. However, situations exist where text must be enteredthe account number and PIN for entering your bank's WAP brokerage system, for instance, or the TAN required for each transaction.

No matter whether it's a text field or a password field, the markup tag used is <input type="text">. The following attributes can be used (see Table 19.4):

Table 19.4. Attributes for WML Text Fields




TRue if the field must not be empty (as soon as it is selected for editing), false (standard value) otherwise.


Format of entered text; for example, only numbers.


Maximum length of text to be entered into the field (as in HTML).


Unique identifier for text field (as in HTML).


The display length of the text field (however, the value for maxlength may be greater).


Descriptive title for the text field (displayed by some browsers).


Type of the field: "text" for text field, "password" for password field (as in HTML).


Default text in the field (as in HTML).


As you see, there are quite a lot of similarities to HTML. However, note that no equivalent exists for the <form> element in WMLall form elements may be used on an arbitrary position in the WML page.

If you would like to allow users to enter their ZIP code, for instance, into a WAP form, the following code represents the text field for this task:

<input type="text" name="zip" size="5" maxlength="5"
title="ZIP code" value="00000" format="NNNNN"/>

Following is the code for a four-digit PIN, implemented using a password field:

<input type="password" name="PIN" size="4" maxlength="4"
title="your PIN" format="NNNN"/>

Listing 19.5 is a complete listing, a login page for a (fictitious) online banking application:

Listing 19.5. A Fictitious Login Page
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="login">
    Account #:
    <input type="text" name="Account" size="10" title="your account number"/>
    <input type="password" name="PIN" size="4" maxlength="4"
      title="your PIN" format="NNNN"/>

Depending on the WML browser used, the display of these form elements may vary, especially when you're entering text into the password field. For instance, some browsers always display the character you currently enter, whereas all other characters in the text are masked using the asterisk (or a similar) symbol. Figure 19.9 shows the Nokia simulator.

Figure 19.9. One text field, one password field.

Selection Lists, Option Buttons, and Check Boxes

WML is rather simple; one proof for that is that all remaining form elements are represented by the same element: <select>. The various elements in this selection list (or group of option buttons or check boxes) are assigned using the <option> element. Again, the similarities to HTML are striking.

Basically, all kinds of selection lists are the same. The only difference, apart from the display and design, is how many elements may be selected at the same time. Whereas from a group of option buttons only one element may be selected, this restriction does not apply for check boxes, where an arbitrary number of elements can be checked.

Selection lists offer both wayseither one element is selectable at one time, or as many times as the user desires.

The two attributes of <select> shown in Table 19.5 are the most widely used ones:

Table 19.5. Attributes for the <select> Element




The unique identifier for the form element


Whether only one element of the list may be selected (false; standard value) or not (true)

The <option> element also has two useful attributes; however, they are completely optional:

Table 19.6. Attributes for the <option> Element




Descriptive title of the list element (displayed by some browsers)


The value of the list element (if the attribute is not set, the text between <option> and </option> is used)

Listing 19.6 is a complete WML page with two lists that are shown in Figure 19.10. In the first one, up to four elements may be selected; in the second list, only one.

Listing 19.6. Two WML Selection Lists
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="form">
    You have used ...
    <select name="earlier" multiple="true">
      <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
      <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
      <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
      <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>
    You are currently using ...
    <select name="currently" multiple="false">
      <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
      <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
      <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
      <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>

Figure 19.10. The multiple selection list.


On most mobile devices, the user can access the form element using the arrow keys. Then, pressing one of the soft keys opens up a menu where the user marks or unmarks a list entry. Thus, selecting or deselecting entries requires several "clicks" by the user. Never forget that when you're designing a form.

Grouping Form Elements

When you're designing a selection list with a lot of entries, the list can get quite long. Then it might be a good idea to bring these elements into a hierarchy and group them. Instead of one <option> element, you use an <optgroup> element (a descriptive title in an attribute title). Within this "options group," you place your <option> elements. The following listing (Listing 19.7) shows a list consisting of 10 elements, but they are grouped into three categories (see the browser output in Figure 19.11):

Listing 19.7. Grouped Form Elements
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="form">
    Scripting technologies you are using
    <select name="scripting" multiple="true">
      <optgroup title="PHP">
        <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
        <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
        <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
        <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>
      <optgroup title="Open Source">
        <option title="Perl 5" value="perl5">Perl 5</option>
        <option title="Perl 6" value="perl6">Perl 6</option>
      <optgroup title="Closed Source">
        <option title="ASP.NET/C#"
          value="aspnet_cs">ASP.NET with C#</option>
        <option title="ASP.NET/VB.NET"
          value="aspnet_vb">ASP.NET with VB.NET</option>

Figure 19.11. The list of groupslist elements are displayed upon clicking the soft key.

Processing Form Data

Within WML, you have a limited support for variables. Variable names start with the dollar sign; for compatibility reasons, the actual variable name should be enclosed in parentheses: $(var_name). When a form field is filled with a value, a variable is created. Its name is the name attribute of the form field; its value is the text entered (or the element selected) in the form element. Thus, the following approach for simple form data processing is effective:

  • Provide form elements.

  • At the end of the form, offer a link to another card (on the same deck).

  • Output the values of the form variables on the second card.

The third step, printing out the values of the form variables, is astonishingly simple: just use $(var_name). If you want to make sure that all special characters are escaped, append :e (short for :escape) to the variable name: $(var_name:e). Unfortunately, semicolons are also escaped. In the next example, we do not escape semicolons (in $(earlier)).


If you want to print the dollar symbol itself, use $$; then the WML renderer knows that you do not want to use a variable, but the $ character itself.

Listing 19.8 is a complete example; Figure 19.12 shows the output of this code. The user enters data that is displayed on the second card:

Listing 19.8. Form Input Is Displayed
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="form">
    Your name is ...
    <input type="text" name="name"/>
    You have used ...
    <select name="earlier" multiple="true">
      <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
      <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
      <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
      <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>
    You are currently using ...
    <select name="currently" multiple="false">
      <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
      <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
      <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
      <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>
  <a href="#output">Send form data</a>
<card id="output">
    Hello, $(name:e)!
    You have used $(earlier).
    But you are currently using $(currently:e).

Figure 19.12. The form input data appears on the second card.

However, there is no way you can add some additional page logic to this script. Especially, you cannot break down the cryptic string for the selected list elements (the values, separated by semicolons) into something more readable. This can be done server side, and we do that with PHP.

Sending Form Data Server Side

There are two ways to transfer data to a server-side script:

  • Use GET: The data is appended to the URL of the script; for example, scriptname.php?name=John&currently=php5.

  • Use POST: The data is transferred to the Web server as part of the HTTP header of the request, invisible to the user.

In general, the POST method is preferred because GET is limited to 5002000 characters (depending on the user's Web server). However, GET can be achieved appealingly simply:

<a href="scriptname.php?name=$(name:e)&amp;currently=$(currently:e)">send


Yes, you do have to escape the ampersand in the link. The WML/XML parser expects an entity after the & sign, thus this must be converted to &amp;.

For POST, you need two new elements. First, use <postfield> elements. They are like hidden form elements in HTML with name and value attributes. Set the values using WML variables:

<postfield name="name" value="$(name:e)"/>
<postfield name="currently" value="$(currently:e)"/>

Then use the <anchor> element to make these <postfield> elements part of the link. They are then submitted as part of the HTTP request for the linked URL. To do so, enclose the <postfield> elements in a <go> element within the <anchor> element:

  <go href="scriptname.php" method="post">
    <postfield name="name" value="$(name:e)"/>
    <postfield name="currently" value="$(currently:e)"/>
  Send form data

Listing 19.9 is a complete example, using both methods:

Listing 19.9. Form Data Is Sent to a PHP Script
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="input" title="input">
    Your name is ...
    <input type="text" name="name"/>
    You have used ...
    <select name="earlier" multiple="true">
      <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
      <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
      <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
      <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>
    You are currently using ...
    <select name="currently" multiple="false">
      <option title="PHP/FI" value="php2">PHP/FI 2</option>
      <option title="PHP 3" value="php3">PHP 3</option>
      <option title="PHP 4" value="php4">PHP 4</option>
      <option title="PHP 5" value="php5">PHP 5</option>
    Send form data
    <a href="scriptname.php?name=$(name:e)&amp;earlier=$(earlier:e)&amp;currently=$
      <go href="scriptname.php" method="post">
        <postfield name="name" value="$(name:e)"/>
        <postfield name="earlier" value="$(earlier:e)"/>
        <postfield name="currently" value="$(currently:e)"/>


Coincidentally, you find a script called scriptname.php in the code archive for this chapter that does exactly the expected task, printing out the submitted form data, so you can already test this (just remember to run the PHP script using the Web server, not via file system). We will develop this script later on in this chapter.

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