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Superglobal Variables

Before you actually build a form and use it to acquire data, we need to make a small detour and look at superglobal variables. We first met global variables in Hour 6, "Functions." A global variable is any variable declared at the "top level" of a script—that is, declared outside a function. Superglobal variables are arrays built in to PHP. They are populated for you automatically with useful elements, and they are available in any scope. You can access a superglobal array within a function or method without using the global keyword. We will encounter superglobal variables throughout the rest of this book. Table 10.1 provides a summary.

Table 10.1. PHP Superglobal Arrays




Contains keys and values set as browser cookies


Contains keys and values set by the script's shell context


Contains information about uploaded files


Contains keys and values submitted to the script using the HTTP get method


Contains keys and values submitted to the script using the HTTP post method


A combined array containing values from the $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIES superglobal arrays


Variables made available by the server


Contains all global variables associated with the current script

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