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Recipe 24.15. Running a Local Caching Name Server with BIND

24.15.1 Problem

You want to set up a local BIND caching name server for your LAN to speed up DNS lookups, which in turn will speed up all of your Internet services.

24.15.2 Solution

Install BIND on a Linux machine with a static IP address. Be sure you get the latest version, which is currently BIND 9.2.3. Don't mess with older versions, as they are buggy and exploitable. After installation, you'll have four configuration files to edit or create:

  • named.conf

  • named.root

  • zone.localhost

  • revp.127.0.0

In this recipe, all of these files are in /var/named, except for /etc/named.conf. named.conf is the standard name for BIND's configuration file; all the others you can name to suit yourself. Here is a sample named.conf:

//BIND configuration file

//named.conf for caching server


options {

// where all zone files are

  directory "/var/named";

// accept queries only from local subnet

  listen-on {




  allow-recursion {






zone "." IN {

     type hint;

     file "named.root";



// location of the zone file for localhost

zone "localhost" IN {

  type master;

  file "zone.localhost";

  allow-update { none; };



// reverse pointer file for localhost

zone "" IN {

  type master;

  file "revp.127.0.0";

  allow-update { none; };


Now add named.root. This is the master list of the root name servers; simply fetch the current version from, and put it in /var/named.

Now create zone.localhost:

; zone.localhost

; loopback/localhost zone file



$ORIGIN localhost.

@              IN  SOA   @  root (

                         1   ; Serial

                         8H  ; Refresh

                         15M ; Retry

                         1W  ; Expire

                         1D) ; Minimum TTL

               IN   NS   @

               IN   A

Finally, create revp.127.0.0:

; revp.127.0.0

; reverse pointers for localhost




@    IN   SOA  localhost. root.localhost. (

               1    ; serial

               8H   ; refresh

               15M  ; retry

               1W   ; expire

               1D ) ; minimum

     IN   NS   localhost.

1    IN   PTR  localhost.

Then start up BIND:

# /etc/init.d/named start

You now have a local caching name server. See Recipe 24.10 to learn how to connect client PCs to your caching server.

24.15.3 Discussion

named is short for "name daemon."

BIND configuration files can grow and multiply like weeds, so using a naming convention like the one shown here will save your sanity. Zone files each start with "zone," and reverse pointer files start with "revp." You may call them anything you want, as long as you use a consistent naming scheme.

You can use each one of these sample files exactly as they are shown. The only change you might need to make is the listen-on directive in named.conf—be sure to use your own network IP addresses. Leave localhost exactly as it is shown, unless you're using some exotic networking voodoo, in which case you already know what to do. Do not allow traffic from outside your network! There is no reason for you to supply caching services to the world.

The named.root file does not change very often. Check it every few months just for kicks. You may call it anything you like, as long as you record the filename in named.conf.

zone.localhost tells named that the address of localhost is

revp.127.0.0 does the opposite of zone.localhost—it tells named that the hostname associated with the IP address is localhost.

Paul Heinlein wrote much of the gnarly BIND stuff for this chapter. Thank you, Paul! You can find Paul on

24.15.4 See Also

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