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RAMDAC (Random Access Memory digital-to-analog converter)
rc (release candidate) patches
RCS (Revision Control System) 2nd
     , v (comma v) suffix
     building simple local repositories
     checking out and checking in files
     displaying files without checking out
     file versions, comparing
         file comparison symbols
     managing system configuration files
     preserving working copies
     retrieving older file revisions
     rlog command
     working and RCS directories
rcsdiff command
Red Book
Red Hat [See also RPM]
     boot disks, creating
     graphical login manager
     groupadd command
     loadable kernel modules, adding
     user and group numbering
     users, sorting human from system
redhat-config-xfree utility
Regional Internet registries
ReiserFS filesystem
     creating on new partitions
reiserfsprogs package
remote access
     OpenSSH [See OpenSSH]
     SSH (Secure Shell) protocol
remote X sessions, security of
removable media, mounting and unmounting
remove command
repetitious typing, reduction with Vim autotext
repquota command
restart command used with ntpd
Rewrite directives
rjpm command
rlog command
rm command
rmdir command
robots.txt file
Rock Ridge filesystem standard
root privileges
     su command
     sudo command
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) 2nd [See also rpm command]
     CheckInstall utility
     dependencies, breaking
     dependencies, verifying
     dependency resolvers
     information, collecting from uninstalled packages
     information, collecting on installed packages
     installation problems, fixing
     installing packages
     public RPM archives
     rebuilding the RPM database
     recently installed packages, finding
     removing packages
     ÒRPM hellÓ
     rpm queries that follow symlinks
     rpm-orphan-find script
     rpmbuild package
     source packages, installing
         customizing build options
     source-built libraries, tracking
     upgrading packages
rpm command 2nd [See also RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)]
     -e option
     -h option
     -i option
     --initdb option
     --last option
     -p switch
     -q options
     --rebuilddb option
     --replacepkgs option
     --test option
     -U flag
RSA key pair generation
     anonymous public rsync servers, building
     automating over ssh backups
     -av flag
     backup servers, building
     command options
     configuration files
     creating a message of the day
     customizing filepaths
     --cvs-exclude option
     daemon, launching at startup
     --delete flag
     fine-tuning file selection
     limiting bandwidth requirements
     local file transfers and synchronization
     Pservers, mirroriing over SSH
     rsync modules, securing
     secure transfers with ssh
     synchronizing tinydns servers
     Windows clients, installing on
     changing after boot
     changing default runlevel
     Debian, managing in 2nd
     Red Hat, managing in

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