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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]

Macromedia Flash  [See Flash files]
mail  [See email]
mail server, interaction with email-sending servlet 
mail sessions  2nd 
    servlet getting from WebLogic JNDI 
mail.jar archive 
mailDefaults.properties file 
Manager application (Tomcat) 
    online documentation for 
    StopTask class 
manifest file for JAR files 
Map objects 
    ContextObject class (example)  2nd 
        methods adding keys and values to map 
    cookie EL implicit object 
    Entry subclass, getKey( ) and getValue( ) 
    entrySet( ) 
    header implicit object  2nd 
    headerValues implicit object 
    JSP parameters passed for posting to JavaBean 
Message class 
    getAllHeaders( ) 
    getContent( ) 
    getFrom( ) 
message stores  2nd 
MessagingException class 
META-INF directory, TLDs in 
method attribute (HTML form tag) 
Method objects 
methods (JavaBean), naming conventions for 
Microsoft Word file
    as email attachment 
    sending as binary data 
MIME types
    associating file extensions with 
    common, listing of 
    Microsoft Word document 
    MP3 files 
MimeMessage class  2nd  3rd 
MimetypesFileTypeMap class 
modules, JavaScript
    example of 
    organization and storage of 
    validating form input (validate.js) 
MPEG audio layer 3 (MP3)
    embedded file in a JSP 
    sending audio file as 
multimedia, embedding in JSPs 
    embedding applet with HTML Converter tool 
    embedding applet with jsp:plugin 
    embedding background soundtrack in a JSP 
    embedding Flash in a servlet 
    embedding QuickTime movie in a JSP 
    embedding SVG file in a JSP 
    HTML template for embedding Flash files
        generating automatically 
Multipart class 
Multipart content type 
multipart/form-data content type 
MultipartFilter class 
MultipartParser class 
MultipartRequest class
    file-uploading JavaBean, use in 
    servlet that uses, creating 
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions  [See MIME types]
MutableAttributeSet class 

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