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Index: I

I/O-intensive SQL : 25.3.6. Use PL/SQL to Improve Performance of IO-Intensive SQL
reducing by calling PL/SQL in SQL : 25.3.2. Call PL/SQL Functions in SQL to Reduce I/O
(see naming)
2.2. Identifiers
15.3.5. Scope and Visibility
precedence in cursors : 6.4.3. Identifier Precedence in a Cursor
qualified : Qualified identifiers
savepoints : (see savepoints)
identity, object : Identity
IF statements : 5.1. Conditional Control Statements
ELSE keyword : 5.1.2. The IF-THEN-ELSE Combination
ELSIF keyword : 5.1.3. The IF-ELSIF Combination
ELSIF statement : 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
exception handlers as : 8.9. Exception Handler as IF Statement
formatting : 3.3.1. Formatting IF Statements
nested : 5.1.4. Nested IF Statements
replacing DECODE function : 17.8.4. Replacing DECODEs with IF Statements
using whitespace in : 3.1.1. Revealing Logical Structure with Indentation
implicit conversion : 14. Conversion Functions
implicit cursors
(see also cursors)
1.7.4. Standardize Your PL/SQL Development Environment
6.2.1. Types of Cursors
6.3.1. Implicit Cursors
6.3.3. Explicit Cursors
attributes to
6.9. Cursor Attributes
6.9.5. Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes
SELECT INTO from : 9.5.2. SELECT INTO from an Implicit Cursor
vulnerability to data errors : Vulnerability to data errors
implicit datatype conversion : Implicit data conversions
IN mode : IN mode
stored functions and : 17.3. Requirements for Stored Functions in SQL
IN OUT parameter : Work with local copies
IN OUT parameters The IN OUT mode
22.7.3. Assign Values to All OUT and IN OUT Parameters
external procedure mappings : 21.4.1. Datatype Conversion
in functions : Do not use OUT and IN OUT parameters
INDICATOR property for : INDICATOR property
IN OUT parameters, function : 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
IN parameters : Work with local copies
index, FOR loop : 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
index, table
(see also tables)
10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
10.4.1. Defining the Table TYPE Referencing fields of record elements in PL/SQL tables
index-by tables
(see also collections)
19.1. Types of Collections
25.4.8. Use Index-By Tables of Records and Objects
adding/removing elements of : 19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
assigning values to elements : 19.4.2. Assigning Values to Elements: Index (Subscript) Considerations
initializing : 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
indexes, ROWID datatype for : The ROWID datatype
INDICATOR property
21.4.1. Datatype Conversion INDICATOR property
infinite loops : 7.2. The Simple Loop
formatting : 3.3.2. Formatting Loops
WHILE loops : 7.5.1. The Infinite WHILE Loop
information hiding : Information hiding
inheritance Inheritance
modifying persistent objects and : 18.5. Modifying Persistent Objects
INITCAP function : 11.1.4. The INITCAP function
initialization section, package, asserting purity level : 17.5.2. Asserting Purity Level with Package Initialization Section
BFILE columns : 13.2.1. The BFILENAME function
collection variables : 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
objects : 18.4.1. The Need to Initialize
packages : 16.6. Package Initialization
records : 9.6.2. Record Initialization
inner tables : 19.1. Types of Collections
input, considering case of : 22.7.4. Ensure Case Consistency of Parameters
INSERT statement
(see also DML statements) The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
10.3. PL/SQL Tables and DML Statements
THE function with : 19.5.1. The THE Pseudo-function
instances of classes : Classification
of objects : PL/SQL usage
of program data, storage of : 23.1.4. Key Concepts for Program Execution
INSTEAD OF triggers
20.2. INSTEAD OF Triggers
compiling : 20.7.3. Forcing Compilation
INSTR function
C.6.12. The INSTR function
11.1.5. The INSTR function
11.2.4. Counting Substring Occurrences in Strings
INSTRB function : 11.1.5. The INSTR function
instsrv utility (Windows NT) : 21.2.1. Step 1: Set Up the Listener
INTEGER datatype : 25.4.5. Use PLS_INTEGER for All Integer Operations
integers Binary integer datatypes
INT subtype : 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
INTEGER subtype : 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
operations on, performance of : 25.4.5. Use PLS_INTEGER for All Integer Operations
PLS_INTEGER datatype : The PLS_INTEGER datatype
SMALLINT subtype : 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
interdependencies, package : 25.2.4. Creating Packages with Minimal Interdependencies
internal documentation : (see comments)
internal LOBs Large object support
BFILE datatype versus : Working with BFILEs
internationalization, NLS character datatypes : 4.2.6. NLS Character Datatypes
INTERVAL procedure : C.5.3. The INTERVAL procedure
INTO clause
(see also FETCH statement)
6.6.1. Matching Column List with INTO Clause
9.5.2. SELECT INTO from an Implicit Cursor
9.5.3. FETCH INTO from an Explicit Cursor
INVALID_CURSOR exception : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
INVALID_NUMBER exception : 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
invisible characters : (see whitespace)
IS DANGLING predicate : 18.2.3. Adding Complex Data Structures
is-a relationship : (see inheritance)
IS_OPEN function
C.14.9. The IS_OPEN function
C.17.1.6. The IS_OPEN function
IS_PARALLEL_SERVER function : C.16.7. The IS_PARALLEL_SERVER function
IS_ROLE_ENABLED function : C.12.2. The IS_ROLE_ENABLED function
isolation levels : 6.1.4. The SET TRANSACTION Statement
%ISOPEN cursor attribute : 6.9.4. The %ISOPEN Attribute
%ISOPEN cursor attribute : 6.5. Opening Cursors
ISUBMIT procedure : C.5.4. The ISUBMIT procedure
assignment into rows : 10.6.2. Iterative Assignment
control structure : (see loops)

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