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Oak language : Java's Origins
Object (class)
Relationships and Finger Pointing
The Object and Class Classes
objects (see arrays)
Class Instances and Objects
Objects in Java
accessing variables of : Variable access
applets (see applications)
array (see arrays)
creating (see new operator)
destroying : Object Destruction
equivalency of (see equals( ))
Exception (see errors and exceptions)
finalizing : Glossary
getting from URLs : Getting the Content as an Object
instances (see instances)
pointers to (see references)
security manager : Security Manager
signatures for (see hashcodes)
String (see strings)
octal numbers : Integer literals
off-screen drawing : Off-Screen Drawing
offScreenImage (variable) : Double Buffering
openStream( ) : Stream Data
operating system information : System Properties
operators : Operators
OR (^) operator, bitwise : Operators
OR (^) operator, boolean : Operators
OR (|) operator, bitwise : Operators
OR (|) operator, boolean : Operators
OR (||) operator, conditional : Operators
order of evaluation
Statements and Expressions
origin, graphics context : Drawing Methods
os.arch : System Properties : System Properties
os.version : System Properties
out (see System.out)
out-of-range values : Math Utilities
OutOfMemoryException : Glossary
output (see input/output)
OutputStream (class)
Terminal I/O
OutputStreamWriter (class) : Streams
overloading : Syntactic Sweet 'n Low
add( ) : Layout managers
constructors : Working with Overloaded Constructors
equals( ) : Equality
indexOf( ), lastIndexOf( ) : Searching
Method Overloading
Method Overloading
print( ) : Print streams
equals( ) : Equality
Overriding Methods

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