Like the Choice component, the List provides a way to present your user with a fixed sequence of choices to select. However, with List, several items can be displayed at a time on the screen. A List can also allow multiple selection, so that more than one choice can be selected.
Normally, a scrollbar is associated with the List to enable the user to move to the items that do not fit on the screen. On some platforms, the List may not display the scrollbar if there is enough room to display all choices. A List can be resized by the LayoutManager according to the space available. Figure 9.2 shows two lists, one of which has no items to display.
This constructor creates an empty List with four visible lines. You must rely on the current LayoutManager to resize the List or override the preferredSize() (version 1.0) or getPreferredSize() (version 1.1) method to affect the size of the displayed List. A List created with this constructor is in single-selection mode, so the user can select only one item at a time.
This constructor creates a List that has rows visible lines. This is just a request; the LayoutManager is free to adjust the height of the List to some other amount based upon available space. A List created with this constructor is in single-selection mode, so the user will be able to select only one item at a time.
The final constructor for List creates a List that has rows visible lines. This is just a request; the LayoutManager is free to adjust the height of the List to some other amount based upon available space. If multipleSelections is true, this List permits multiple items to be selected. If false, this is a single-selection list.
The getItemCount() method returns the length of the list. The length of the list is the number of items in the list, not the number of visible rows.
countItems() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The getItem() method returns the String representation for the item at position index. The String is the parameter passed to the addItem() or add() method.
The getItems() method returns a String array that contains all the elements in the List. This method does not care if an item is selected or not.
The add() method adds item as the last entry in the List. If item already exists in the list, this method adds it again.
addItem() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
This version of the add() method has an additional parameter, index, which specifies where to add item to the List. If index < 0 or index >= getItemCount(), item is added to the end of the List. The position count is zero based, so if index is 0, it will be added as the first item.
addItem() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The replaceItem() method replaces the contents at position index with newItem. If the item at index has been selected, newItem will not be selected.
The removeAll() method clears out all the items in the list.
clear() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
Early versions ( Java1.0) of the clear() method did not work reliably across platforms. You were better off calling the method listVar.delItems(0, listVar.countItems()-1), where listVar is your List instance.
The remove() method removes item from the list of available choices. If item appears in the List several times, only the first instance is removed. If item is null, remove() throws the run-time exception NullPointerException. If item is not found in the List, remove() throws the IllegalArgumentException run-time exception.
The remove() method removes the entry at position from the List. If position is invalid--either position < 0 or position >= getItemCount()--remove() throws the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException run-time exception with a message indicating that position was invalid.
delItem() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The delItems() method removes entries from position start to position end from the List. If either parameter is invalid--either start < 0 or end >= getItemCount()--delItems() throws the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException run-time exception with a message indicating which position was invalid. If start is greater than end, nothing happens.
The getSelectedIndex() method returns the position of the selected item. If nothing is selected in the List, getSelectedIndex() returns -1. The value -1 is also returned if the List is in multiselect mode and multiple items are selected. For multiselection lists, use getSelectedIndexes() instead.
The getSelectedIndexes() method returns an integer array of the selected items. If nothing is selected, the array will be empty.
The getSelectedItem() method returns the label of the selected item. The label is the string used in the add() or addItem() call. If nothing is selected in the List, getSelectedItem() returns null. The return value is also null if List is in multiselect mode and multiple items are selected. For multiselection lists, use getSelectedItems() instead.
The getSelectedItems() method returns a String array of the selected items. If nothing is selected, the array is empty.
The getSelectedObjects() method returns the results of the method getSelectedItems() as an Object array instead of a String array, to conform to the ItemSelectable interface. If nothing is selected, the returned array is empty.
The select() method selects the item at position index, which is zero based. If the List is in single-selection mode, any other selected item is deselected. If the List is in multiple-selection mode, calling this method has no effect on the other selections. The item at position index is made visible.
A negative index seems to select everything within the List. This seems more like an irregularity than a feature to rely upon.
The deselect() method deselects the item at position index, which is zero based. deselect() does not reposition the visible elements.
The isIndexSelected() method checks whether index is currently selected. If it is, isIndexSelected() returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
isSelected() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The isMultipleMode() method returns the current state of the List. If the List is in multiselection mode, isMultipleMode() returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
allowsMultipleSelections() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The setMultipleMode() method allows you to change the current state of a List from one selection mode to the other. The currently selected items change when this happens. If value is true and the List is going from single- to multiple-selection mode, the selected item gets deselected. If value is false and the List is going from multiple to single, the last item physically selected remains selected (the last item clicked on in the list, not the item with the highest index). If there was no selected item, the first item in the list becomes selected, or the last item that was deselected becomes selected. If staying within the same mode, setMultipleMode() has no effect on the selected items.
setMultipleSelections() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The makeVisible() method ensures that the item at position index is displayed on the screen. This is useful if you want to make sure a certain entry is displayed when another action happens on the screen.
The getVisibleIndex() method returns the last index from a call to the method makeVisible(). If makeVisible() was never called, -1 is returned.
The getRows() method returns the number of rows passed to the constructor of the List. It does not return the number of visible rows. To get a rough idea of the number of visible rows, compare the getSize() of the component with the results of getPreferredSize(getRows()).
The getPreferredSize() method returns the preferable Dimension (width and height) for the size of a List with a height of rows. The rows specified may be different from the rows designated in the constructor.
preferredSize() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The getPreferredSize() method returns the Dimension (width and height) for the preferred size of the List. Without the rows parameter, this version of getPreferredSize() uses the constructor's number of rows to calculate the List's preferred size.
preferredSize() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The getMinimumSize() method returns the minimum Dimension (width and height) for the size of a List with a height of rows. The rows specified may be different from the rows designated in the constructor. For a List, getMinimumSize() and getPreferredSize() should return the same dimensions.
minimumSize() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The getMinimumSize() method returns the minimum Dimension (width and height) for the size of the List. Without the rows parameter, this getMinimumSize() uses the constructor's number of rows to calculate the List's minimum size.
minimumSize() is the Java 1.0 name for this method.
The addNotify() method creates the List peer. If you override this method, call super.addNotify() first, then add your customizations for the new class. You will then be able to do everything you need with the information about the newly created peer.
The removeNotify() method destroys the peer of the List and removes it from the screen. Prior to the List peer's destruction, the last selected entry is saved. If you override this method for a specific List, issue the particular commands that you need for your new object, then call super.removeNotify() last.
When you call the toString() method of List, the default toString() method of Component is called. This in turn calls paramString(), which builds up the string to display. At the List level, the currently selected item (getSelectedItem()) is appended to the output. Using Figure 9.2 as an example, the results would be the following:
The primary event for a List occurs when the user selects an item in the list. With the 1.0 event model, double-clicking a selection causes an ACTION_EVENT and triggers the action() method, while single-clicking causes a LIST_SELECT or LIST_DESELECT event. Once the List has the input focus, it is possible to change the selection by using the arrow or keyboard keys. The arrow keys scroll through the list of choices, triggering the KEY_ACTION, LIST_SELECT, LIST_DESELECT, and KEY_ACTION_RELEASE events, and thus the keyDown(), handleEvent(), and keyUp() methods (no specific method gets called for LIST_SELECT and LIST_DESELECT). action() is called only when the user double-clicks on an item with the mouse. If the mouse is used to scroll through the list, no mouse events are triggered; ACTION_EVENT is generated only when the user double-clicks on an item.
With the 1.1 event model, you register an ItemListener with addItemListener() or an ActionListener with the addActionListener() method. When the user selects the List, either the ItemListener.itemStateChanged() method or the ActionListener.actionPerformed() method is called through the protected List.processItemEvent() method or List.processActionEvent() method. Key, mouse, and focus listeners are registered through the three Component methods of addKeyListener(), addMouseListener(), and addFocusListener(), respectively. Action
The action() method for a List is called when the user double-clicks on any item in the List. e is the Event instance for the specific event, while o is the label for the item selected, from the add() or addItem() call. If List is in multiple-selection mode, you might not wish to catch this event because it's not clear whether the user wanted to choose the item just selected or all of the items selected. You can solve this problem by putting a multi-selecting list next to a Button that the user presses when the selection process is finished. Capture the event generated by the Button. The following example shows how to set up and handle a list in this manner, with the display shown in Figure 9.3. In this example, I just print out the selections to prove that I captured them.
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class list3 extends Applet { List l; public void init () { String fonts[]; fonts = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontList(); l = new List(4, true); for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { l.addItem (fonts[i]); } setLayout (new BorderLayout (10, 10)); add ("North", new Label ("Pick Font Set")); add ("Center", l); add ("South", new Button ("Submit")); resize (preferredSize()); validate(); } public boolean action (Event e, Object o) { if ( instanceof Button) { String chosen[] = l.getSelectedItems(); for (int i=0;i<chosen.length;i++) System.out.println (chosen[i]); } return false; } }
Ordinarily, List generates all the KEY events once it has the input focus. But the way it handles keyboard input differs slightly depending upon the selection mode of the list. Furthermore, each platform offers slightly different behavior, so code that depends on keyboard events in List is not portable. One strategy is to take advantage of the keyboard events when they are available but allow for another way of managing the list in case they are not.
The keyDown() method is called whenever the user presses a key while the List has the input focus. e is the Event instance for the specific event, while key is the integer representation of the character pressed. The identifier for the event ( for keyDown() could be either KEY_PRESS for a regular key or KEY_ACTION for an action-oriented key (i.e., arrow or function key). If you check the current selection in this method through getSelectedItem() or getSelectedIndex(), you will actually be told the previously selected item because the List's selection has not changed yet. keyDown() is not called when the user selects items with the mouse.
The keyUp() method is called whenever the user releases a key while the List has the input focus. e is the Event instance for the specific event, while key is the integer representation of the character pressed. The identifier for the event ( for keyUp() could be either KEY_RELEASE for a regular key or KEY_ACTION_RELEASE for an action-oriented key (i.e., arrow or function key).
Ordinarily, the List component does not trigger any mouse events. Double-clicking the mouse over any element in the list generates an ACTION_EVENT. Single-clicking could result in either a LIST_SELECT or LIST_DESELECT, depending on the mode of the List and the current state of the item chosen. When the user changes the selection with the mouse, the ACTION_EVENT is posted only when an item is double-clicked. List
There is a special pair of events for lists: LIST_SELECT and LIST_DESELECT. No special method is called when these events are triggered. However, you can catch them in the handleEvent() method. If the List is in single-selection mode, a LIST_SELECT event is generated whenever the user selects one of the items in the List. In multiple-selection mode, you will get a LIST_SELECT event when an element gets selected and a LIST_DESELECT event when it is deselected. The following code shows how to use this event type.
public boolean handleEvent (Event e) { if ( == Event.LIST_SELECT) { System.out.println ("Selected item: " + e.arg); return true; } else { return super.handleEvent (e); } }
Normally, the List component does not reliably trigger any focus events. Listeners and 1.1 event handling
With the 1.1 event model, you register listeners, and they are told when the event happens.
The addItemListener() method registers listener as an object interested in being notified when an ItemEvent passes through the EventQueue with this List as its target. The listener.itemStateChanged() method is called when these events occur. Multiple listeners can be registered.
The removeItemListener() method removes listener as an interested listener. If listener is not registered, nothing happens.
The addActionListener() method registers listener as an object interested in being notified when an ActionEvent passes through the EventQueue with this List as its target. The listener.actionPerformed() method is called when these events occur. Multiple listeners can be registered.
The removeActionListener() method removes listener as a interested listener. If listener is not registered, nothing happens.
The processEvent() method receives all AWTEvents with this List as its target. processEvent() then passes them along to any listeners for processing. When you subclass List, overriding processEvent() allows you to process all events yourself, before sending them to any listeners. In a way, overriding the method processEvent() is like overriding handleEvent() using the 1.0 event model.
If you override processEvent(), remember to call super.processEvent(e) last to ensure that regular event processing can occur. If you want to process your own events, it's a good idea to call enableEvents() (inherited from Component) to ensure that events are delivered even in the absence of registered listeners.
The processItemEvent() method receives all ItemEvents with this List as its target. processItemEvent() then passes them along to any listeners for processing. When you subclass List, overriding processItemEvent() allows you to process all events yourself, before sending them to any listeners. In a way, overriding processItemEvent() is like overriding handleEvent() to deal with LIST_SELECT and LIST_DESELECT using the 1.0 event model.
If you override processItemEvent(), remember to call the method super.processItemEvent(e) last to ensure that regular event processing can occur. If you want to process your own events, it's a good idea to call enableEvents() (inherited from Component) to ensure that events are delivered even in the absence of registered listeners.
The processActionEvent() method receives all ActionEvents with this List as its target. processActionEvent() then passes them along to any listeners for processing. When you subclass List, overriding processActionEvent() allows you to process all action events yourself, before sending them to any listeners. In a way, overriding processActionEvent() is like overriding action() using the 1.0 event model.
If you override processActionEvent(), remember to call the method super.processActionEvent(e) last to ensure that regular event processing can occur. If you want to process your own events, it's a good idea to call enableEvents() (inherited from Component) to ensure that events are delivered even in the absence of registered listeners.
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