Java AWT

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5.3 Buttons

The Button component provides one of the most frequently used objects in graphical applications. When the user selects a button, it signals the program that something needs to be done by sending an action event. The program responds in its handleEvent() method (for Java 1.0) or its actionPerformed() method (defined by Java 1.1's ActionListener interface). Next to Label, which does nothing, Button is the simplest component to understand. Because it is so simple, we will use a lot of buttons in our examples for the next few chapters.

Button Methods


public Button ()

This constructor creates an empty Button. You can set the label later with setLabel().

public Button (String label)

This constructor creates a Button whose initial text is label.

Button Labels

public String getLabel ()

The getLabel() method retrieves the current text of the label on the Button and returns it as a String.

public synchronized void setLabel (String label)

The setLabel() method changes the text of the label on the Button to label. If the new text is a different size from the old, it is necessary to revalidate the screen to ensure that the button size is correct.

Action Commands

With Java 1.1, every button can have two names. One is what the user sees (the button's label); the other is what the programmer sees and is called the button's action command. Distinguishing between the label and the action command is a major help to internationalization. The label can be localized for the user's environment. However, this means that labels can vary at run-time and are therefore useless for comparisons within the program. For example, you can't test whether the user pushed the Yes button if that button might read Oui or Ja, depending on some run-time environment setting. To give the programmer something reliable for comparisons, Java 1.1 introduces the action command. The action command for our button might be Yes, regardless of the button's actual label.

By default, the action command is equivalent to the button's label. Java 1.0 code, which only relies on the label, will continue to work. Furthermore, you can continue to write in the Java 1.0 style as long as you're sure that your program will never have to account for other languages. These days, that's a bad bet. Even if you aren't implementing multiple locales now, get in the habit of testing a button's action command rather than its label; you will have less work to do when internationalization does become an issue.

public String getActionCommand () (New)

The getActionCommand() method returns the button's current action command. If no action command was explicitly set, this method returns the label.

public void setActionCommand (String command) (New)

The setActionCommand() method changes the button's action command to command.

Miscellaneous methods

public synchronized void addNotify ()

The addNotify() method creates the Button peer. If you override this method, first call super.addNotify(), then add your customizations. Then you can do everything you need with the information about the newly created peer.

protected String paramString ()

The paramString() method overrides the component's paramString() method. It is a protected method that calls the overridden paramString() to build a String from the different parameters of the Component. When the method paramString() is called for a Button, the button's label is added. Thus, for the Button created by the constructor new Button ("ZapfDingbats"), the results displayed from a call to toString() could be:


Button Events

With the 1.0 event model, Button components generate an ACTION_EVENT when the user selects the button.

With the version 1.1 event model, you register an ActionListener with the method addActionListener(). When the user selects the Button, the method ActionListener.actionPerformed() is called through the protected Button.processActionEvent() method. Key, mouse, and focus listeners are registered through the Component methods of addKeyListener(), addMouseListener(), or addMouseMotionListener(), and addFocusListener(), respectively. Action

public boolean action (Event e, Object o)

The action() method for a Button is called when the user presses and releases the button. e is the Event instance for the specific event, while o is the button's label. The default implementation of action() does nothing and returns false, passing the event to the button's container for processing. For a button to do something useful, you should override either this method or the container's action() method. Example 5.1 is a simple applet called ButtonTest that demonstrates the first approach; it creates a Button subclass called TheButton, which overrides action(). This simple subclass doesn't do much; it just labels the button and prints a message when the button is pressed. Figure 5.3 shows what ButtonTest looks like.

Example 5.1: Button Event Handling

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
class TheButton extends Button {
    TheButton (String s) {
        super (s);
    public boolean action (Event e, Object o) {
        if ("One".equals(o)) {
            System.out.println ("Do something for One");
        } else if ("Two".equals(o)) {
            System.out.println ("Ignore Two");
        } else if ("Three".equals(o)) {
            System.out.println ("Reverse Three");
        } else if ("Four".equals(o)) {
            System.out.println ("Four is the one");
        } else {
            return false;
        return true;
public class ButtonTest extends Applet {
   public void init () {
        add (new TheButton ("One"));
        add (new TheButton ("Two"));
        add (new TheButton ("Three"));
        add (new TheButton ("Four"));

Buttons are able to capture keyboard-related events once the button has the input focus. In order to give a Button the input focus without triggering the action event, call requestFocus(). The button also gets the focus if the user selects it and drags the mouse off of it without releasing the mouse.

public boolean keyDown (Event e, int key) (Deprecated)

The keyDown() method is called whenever the user presses a key while the Button has the input focus. e is the Event instance for the specific event, while key is the integer representation of the character pressed. The identifier for the event ( could be either Event.KEY_PRESS for a regular key or Event.KEY_ACTION for an action-oriented key (i.e., an arrow or a function key). There is no visible indication that the user has pressed a key over the button.

public boolean keyUp (Event e, int key) (Deprecated)

The keyUp() method is called whenever the user releases a key while the Button has the input focus. e is the Event instance for the specific event, while key is the integer representation of the character pressed. The identifier for the event ( could be either Event.KEY_RELEASE for a regular key or Event.KEY_ACTION_RELEASE for an action-oriented key (i.e., an arrow or a function key). keyUp() may be used to determine how long key has been pressed.

Listeners and 1.1 event handling

With the 1.1 event model, you register listeners, which are told when the event happens.

public void addActionListener(ActionListener listener) (New)

The addActionListener() method registers listener as an object interested in receiving notifications when an ActionEvent passes through the EventQueue with this Button as its target. The listener.actionPerformed() method is called when these events occur. Multiple listeners can be registered. The following code demonstrates how to use an ActionListener to handle the events that occur when the user selects a button. This applet has the same display as the previous one, shown in Figure 5.3.

// Java 1.1 only 
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ButtonTest11 extends Applet implements ActionListener {
    Button b;
    public void init () {
        add (b = new Button ("One"));
        b.addActionListener (this);
        add (b = new Button ("Two"));
        b.addActionListener (this);
        add (b = new Button ("Three"));
        b.addActionListener (this);
        add (b = new Button ("Four"));
        b.addActionListener (this);
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
        String s = e.getActionCommand();
        if ("One".equals(s)) {
            System.out.println ("Do something for One");
        } else if ("Two".equals(s)) {
            System.out.println ("Ignore Two");
        } else if ("Three".equals(s)) {
            System.out.println ("Reverse Three");
        } else if ("Four".equals(s)) {
            System.out.println ("Four is the one");

public void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener) (New)

The removeActionListener() method removes listener as an interested listener. If listener is not registered, nothing happens.

protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) (New)

The processEvent() method receives AWTEvent with this Button as its target. processEvent() then passes them along to any listeners for processing. When you subclass Button, overriding processEvent() allows you to process all events yourself, before sending them to any listeners. In a way, overriding processEvent() is like overriding handleEvent() using the 1.0 event model.

If you override processEvent(), remember to call super.processEvent(e) last to ensure that regular event processing can occur. If you want to process your own events, it's a good idea to call enableEvents() (inherited from Component) to ensure that events are delivered even in the absence of registered listeners.

protected void processActionEvent(ActionEvent e) (New)

The processActionEvent() method receives ActionEvent with this Button as its target. processActionEvent() then passes them along to any listeners for processing. When you subclass Button, overriding processActionEvent() allows you to process all action events yourself, before sending them to any listeners. In a way, overriding processActionEvent() is like overriding action() using the 1.0 event model.

If you override the processActionEvent() method, you must remember to call super.processActionEvent(e) last to ensure that regular event processing can occur. If you want to process your own events, it's a good idea to call enableEvents() (inherited from Component) to ensure that events are delivered even in the absence of registered listeners.

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