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I'd like to thank John Philcox of Mobile Ventures Limited, who once again has helped me get this book together. As always, John, you've done a great job. You've been a great asset and have become a good friend to have along on all of my books and projects. I want to thank all the editors who have contributed to this book; I value your input greatly. With each book, our tech editors get more refined, and their work is a huge contribution to the quality of this book. It's been a great team effort, and the book would not be as complete without your help. A special thanks goes out to Scott Howard and Edgar Danielyan.

A big thanks to Sun Microsystems for letting me participate in the Solaris 10 beta program and the input that they have provided for this book. A special thanks to Yvonne Prefontaine at Sun for her contributions and the information that she provided in the intro of this book.

Thank you, the reader, for buying my books and providing comments to improve the content with each new release. This book would not be what it is if it were not for your valuable input over the years. May the material in this book help you better your skills, enhance your career, and achieve your goal to become certified. Best of luck!

A lot of people behind the scenes make a book like this happen. After several books, I still don't have a clue how it all works, but it's a great team effort. A big thanks to everyone who edits the text, sets the type, prints the pages, and ships the book. My efforts would be lost in a closet somewhere if it weren't for your hard work.

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