More Open Source Security Tools
You should now understand the basic concepts of information security and how to apply them to your company using open source security tools. Using the programs and information in this book, you can make your systems and network much more secure from the dangers of computer crime. We have covered programs that will bring greater confidentiality, integrity, and availability to your networks, systems, and data, all for a price that should fit into everyone's budget.
Hopefully, you understand that good information security is more than just programs and technology. It is also about processes and people. It takes a combination of good people, processes, and technology to truly secure your network. Open source security tools can give you best-of-breed software to build a solid foundation for information security.
The open source movement is growing every day, increasing its visibility and legitimacy. I hope that this book encourages you to become more involved and contribute to the effort of creating quality security tools using the open source framework. It is a lot of fun, you will learn a lot, and you will feel good about making the Internet and networks more secure. Perhaps a future edition of this book will feature an open source security tool written by you.