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Tools Provided with MySQL

MySQL distributions include the following tools:

  • A SQL server. This is the engine that powers MySQL and provides access to your databases.

  • Client and utility programs. These include an interactive client program that allows you to enter queries directly and view the results. Also available are several administrative and utility programs that help you run your site: One allows you to monitor and control the server; others let you import data, perform backups, check tables for problems, and more.

  • A client library for writing your own programs. You can write client programs in C because the library is in C, but the library also can be linked into other language processors such as Perl, PHP, or Ruby to provide the basis for MySQL interfaces in those languages.

In addition to the software provided with MySQL itself, MySQL is used by many talented and capable people who like writing software to enhance their productivity and who are willing to share that software. The result is that you have access to a variety of third-party tools that make MySQL easier to use or that extend its reach into areas such as Web site development.

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