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Using Joins with Aggregate Functions

As you learned in Chapter 12, "Summarizing Data," aggregate functions are used to summarize data. Although all the examples of aggregate functions thus far only summarized data from a single table, these functions can also be used with joins.

To demonstrate this, let's look at an example. You want to retrieve a list of all customers and the number of orders that each has placed. The following code uses the COUNT() function to achieve this:


SELECT customers.cust_name,
       COUNT(orders.order_num) AS num_ord
FROM customers INNER JOIN orders
 ON customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id
GROUP BY customers.cust_id;


| cust_name      | cust_id | num_ord |
| Coyote Inc.    |   10001 |       2 |
| Wascals        |   10003 |       1 |
| Yosemite Place |   10004 |       1 |
| E Fudd         |   10005 |       1 |


This SELECT statement uses INNER JOIN to relate the customers and orders tables to each other. The GROUP BY clause groups the data by customer, and so the function call COUNT(orders.order_num) counts the number of orders for each customer and returns it as num_ord.

Aggregate functions can be used just as easily with other join types. See the following example:


SELECT customers.cust_name,
       COUNT(orders.order_num) AS num_ord
FROM customers LEFT OUTER JOIN orders
 ON customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id
GROUP BY customers.cust_id;


| cust_name      | cust_id | num_ord |
| Coyote Inc.    |   10001 |       2 |
| Mouse House    |   10002 |       0 |
| Wascals        |   10003 |       1 |
| Yosemite Place |   10004 |       1 |
| E Fudd         |   10005 |       1 |


This example uses a left outer join to include all customers, even those who have not placed any orders. The results show that customer Mouse House (with 0 orders) is also included this time.

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