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Recipe 4.3. Generating a List of Files from a Source Install for Easy Uninstalls

4.3.1 Problem

You need to know what files are installed on your system when you install a program from source code, so that you can find and remove all of them if you decide you don't want them anymore. Some program authors thoughtfully include a "make uninstall" target to perform a clean uninstall, but many do not.

4.3.2 Solution

You can use standard Linux utilities to generate a pre-installation list of all files on your system. Then generate a post-installation list, and diff the two lists to make a list of newly-installed files. This example uses JOE: Joe's Own Editor:

# find / | grep -v -e ^/proc/ -e ^/tmp/ -e ^/dev/ > joe-preinstall.list

Compile and install your new program, then generate the post-installation list:

# find / | grep -v -e ^/proc/ -e ^/tmp/ -e ^/dev/ > joe-postinstall.list

Then create a list of files installed by Joe by diffing the two lists:

$ diff joe-preinstall.list joe-postinstall.list > joe-installed.list

4.3.3 Discussion

Using find and grep together makes it easy to exclude directories that don't matter for your final list. The -v option for grep turns on verbosity. -e ^ means "exclude the following directory."

You don't need to bother with /proc or /tmp files, because these are transient and constantly changing. /dev files are managed by the system, so you can ignore these as well. And it's a also an important safety measure—when you remove a program manually, using your nice diff list, /proc, /tmp, and /dev are all directories you shouldn't touch in any case.

4.3.4 See Also

  • grep(1), find(1), diff(1)

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