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Recipe 18.10. Sharing a Single Repository Between Several Groups

18.10.1 Problem

You have several different project groups that each need their own CVS repository, and you want to put them inside a single master CVS repository to make it easier to do backups and administrative chores. You need to configure file permissions to keep users from wandering into the wrong repositories.

18.10.2 Solution

Follow Recipe Recipe 18.9, and create a new subdirectory for each individual repository. Adjust owner and group permissions on the individual repositories to control access:

# cd /3dgame

# cvs -d /cvsroot  import  3dgame  best_game_ever  version_1

# chown gamers:gamegroup /cvsroot/3dgame

18.10.3 Discussion

You can create a separate repository for each project, or put everything under a single CVS root. Backups are easier with a single CVS root, but having separate multiple repositories makes it a little easier to manage permissions and user access.

18.10.4 See Also

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