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Per-CPU Allocations

Modern SMP-capable operating systems use per-CPU datadata that is unique to a given processorextensively. Typically, per-CPU data is stored in an array. Each item in the array corresponds to a possible processor on the system. The current processor number indexes this array, which is how the 2.4 kernel handles per-CPU data. Nothing is wrong with this approach, so plenty of 2.6 kernel code still uses it. You declare the data as

unsigned long my_percpu[NR_CPUS];

Then you access it as

int cpu;

cpu = get_cpu();   /* get current processor and disable kernel preemption */
my_percpu[cpu]++;  /* ... or whatever */
printk("my_percpu on cpu=%d is %lu\n", cpu, my_percpu[cpu]);
put_cpu();         /* enable kernel preemption */

Note that no lock is required because this data is unique to the current processor. So long as no processor touches this data except the current, no concurrency concerns exist, and the current processor can safely access the data without lock.

Kernel preemption is the only concern with per-CPU data. Kernel preemption poses two problems, listed here:

  • If your code is preempted and reschedules on another processor, the cpu variable is no longer valid because it points to the wrong processor. (In general, code cannot sleep after obtaining the current processor.)

  • If another task preempts your code, it can concurrently access my_percpu on the same processor, which is a race condition.

Any fears are unwarranted, however, because the call get_cpu(), on top of returning the current processor number, also disables kernel preemption. The corresponding call to put_cpu() enables kernel preemption. Note that if you use a call to smp_processor_id() to get the current processor number, kernel preemption is not disabledalways use the aforementioned methods to remain safe.

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