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String.fromCharCode( ) create a string from character encodings


JavaScript 1.2; JScript 3.0; ECMAScript v1


String.fromCharCode(c1, c2, ...) 


c1, c2, ...

Zero or more integers that specify the Unicode encodings of the characters in the string to be created.


A new string containing characters with the specified encodings.


This static method provides a way to create a string by specifying the individual numeric Unicode encodings of its characters. Note that as a static method, fromCharCode( ) is a property of the String( ) constructor and is not actually a method of strings or String objects.

String.charCodeAt( ) is a companion instance method that provides a way to obtain the encodings of the individual characters of a string.


// Create the string "hello"

var s = String.fromCharCode(104, 101, 108, 108, 111);


JavaScript 1.2 (as implemented by Netscape 4.0, for example) does not have full support for 16-bit Unicode characters and strings.

See Also

String.charCodeAt( )

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