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Java 1.0closeable

This class provides a way of seamlessly concatenating the data from two or more input streams. It provides an InputStream interface to a sequence of InputStream objects. Data is read from the streams in the order in which the streams are specified. When the end of one stream is reached, data is automatically read from the next stream. This class might be useful, for example, when implementing an include file facility for a parser.

Figure 9-55.

public class SequenceInputStream extends InputStream {
// Public Constructors
     public SequenceInputStream(java.util.Enumeration<? extends InputStream> e);  
     public SequenceInputStream(InputStream s1, InputStream s2);  
// Public Methods Overriding InputStream
1.1  public int available( ) throws IOException;  
     public void close( ) throws IOException;  
     public int read( ) throws IOException;  
     public int read(byte[ ] b, int off, int len) throws IOException;  

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