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Java 1.0closeable

This abstract class is the superclass of all input streams. It defines the basic input methods all input stream classes provide. read( ) reads a single byte or an array (or subarray) of bytes. It returns the bytes read, the number of bytes read, or -1 if the end-of-file has been reached. skip( ) skips a specified number of bytes of input. available( ) returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking. close( ) closes the input stream and frees up any system resources associated with it. The stream should not be used after close( ) has been called.

If markSupported( ) returns TRue for a given InputStream, that stream supports mark( ) and reset( ) methods. mark( ) marks the current position in the input stream so that reset( ) can return to that position (as long as no more than the specified number of bytes have been read between the calls to mark( ) and reset( )). See also Reader.

Figure 9-25.

public abstract class InputStream implements Closeable {
// Public Constructors
     public InputStream( );  
// Public Instance Methods
     public int available( ) throws IOException;                       constant
     public void close( ) throws IOException;    Implements:Closeable empty
     public void mark(int readlimit);                    synchronized empty
     public boolean markSupported( );                                  constant
     public abstract int read( ) throws IOException;  
     public int read(byte[ ] b) throws IOException;  
     public int read(byte[ ] b, int off, int len) throws IOException;  
     public void reset( ) throws IOException;                    synchronized
     public long skip(long n) throws IOException;  
// Methods Implementing Closeable
     public void close( ) throws IOException;                          empty


ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream, FilterInputStream, ObjectInputStream, PipedInputStream, SequenceInputStream, StringBufferInputStream

Passed To

Too many methods to list.

Returned By

Too many methods to list.

Type Of,

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