First and foremost, I wish to thank all of the contributors for their
innovative hack ideas, their time, and their code. Writing this book
has been a real experience, and I have learned a lot of interesting
things from them along the way.
Thanks must also go to Jarkko Oikarinen for being kind enough to
write a great foreword, and of course for inventing IRC in the first
place. Millions of people would be lost without him.
May I also thank Rael Dornfest and the rest of the
O'Reilly team for letting me write this, which is my
first book. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks also to Morbus for putting the idea into my head several
months ago.
Special thanks to Charlotte for being patient while I filled up my
spare time by working on this book, and thanks to Monty for always
being there.
Finally, not many people can claim to be working while they are using
IRC, so thanks to everyone who actually believed me!