Introduction: Hacks #44-50
IRC is strongly oriented around
channel is essentially a community in which
everybody knows one another and everybody shares a common interest in
the channel's topic or theme. Lots of IRC
communities run a bot so they can access useful features specific to
that channel.
One fun application is to use a bot like PieSpy
to monitor messages being sent within a channel. This can be used to
infer a social network in the channel and draw pretty diagrams that
show the main players and how they interact with other users. While
you could argue that this is not strictly useful, it is certainly
entertaining, and most people find this kind of use interesting. A
more practical use of social networks is employed by
TrustBot, which can be used to determine how
much you should trust a stranger on IRC.
are a useful way of storing factoids, which can be accessed later by
asking the bot about a particular factoid. Not only is this useful
for forgetful people, but you can introduce channel newcomers to
factoids stored in the bot without having to do all the typing
The final hack in this chapter shows you how to pass notes to other
users—an answering machine for IRC, if you prefer. This will
allow messages to flow promptly and smoothly around your community,
even if the recipient isn't online when the message
is sent.