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A.2. Resources

The following is a short list of Web links for Eclipse-related plug-ins, projects, and information. First, there is the Web site, which should always be your first stop for Eclipse-related information. Following that are a few of the larger sites providing Eclipse-related information and lists of plug-ins. At the end is a smattering of sites containing plug-ins, projects, notes, and information of varying quality that caught our eye.

A.2.1. place to start concerning Eclipse and Eclipse-related technology for downloads, documentation, articles, mailing lists, and more. The main projects at are further divided into subprojects:

  • The Eclipse ProjectThe primary platform and its tools

  • PlatformFrameworks and common services

  • JDTJava development tools

  • PDEPlug-in development environment

  • Equinoxan OSGi framework

  • The Eclipse Tools ProjectSecondary tools for Eclipse

  • CDTC/C++ development tools

  • GEFGraphical editor framework

  • COBOLA fully functional COBOL IDE

  • EMFA Java/XML framework for generating models

  • VEVisual editor; Framework for creating GUI builders

  • UML2Framework for UML 2.0 modeling tools

  • The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP)J2EE Web Applications

  • WSTWeb Standard Tools

  • JSTJ2EE Standard Tools

  • JSFJavaServer Faces Tools

  • Test & Performance Tools (TPTP)Testing and Performance

  • TPTP Platform

  • Monitoring tools

  • Testing tools

  • Tracing and profiling tools

  • The Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Project (BIRT)

  • The Eclipse Data Tools Platform Project

  • Device Software Development Platform (DSDP)

  • The Eclipse Technology ProjectEclipse-based technology incubators

  • AJDTAspectJ Development Tools Project

  • ECESISEclipse Community Education Project

  • ECFEclipse Communications Framework

  • Generative Model TransformerTools for model-driven software development

The Web site also has a community page ( that lists upcoming events, courses, and links to related Web sites containing more information on Eclipse.

A.2.2. Eclipse Plug-in Central

www.eclipseplugincentral.comA site dedicated to supporting the growth of the Eclipse community by helping developers locate, evaluate, and acquire plug-ins that can help them deliver their projects faster, better, and cheaper. Eclipse Plug-in Central (EPiC) adds value by offering marketplace updates, reviews, ratings, news, forums, community listings for products and services, and support for the Eclipse Foundation.

A.2.3. Eclipse plug-in site site containing lists of plug-ins sliced and diced by category and hit count (a very rough popularity statistic). Each plug-in has a short description, a place for anyone to comment, statistics, and a link to the plug-in's home page.

A.2.4. Eclipse wiki wiki

eclipse-wiki.infoA wiki wiki site containing information about Eclipse gleaned from newsgroups, mailing lists, and the like. The availability of this site has been unpredictable, but when available, it contains a wealth of information.

A.2.5. EclipseCon

www.eclipsecon.orgThe Web site for information about the EclipseCon technical conference.

A.2.6. ANTLR plug-in for Eclipse

antlreclipse.sourceforge.netA plug-in providing support for the parser generator ANTLR, including an editor and builder.

A.2.7. Bugzilla plug-in of concept for integrating Bugzilla into Eclipse. Looks promising, but we have not tried it.

A.2.8. Coloring editor free syntax color highlighting editor for Eclipse that uses JEdit's syntax highlighting mode files. There are several other projects and plug-ins on this site, including cSpy and a widget/plug-in inspector.

A.2.9. Eclipse Easter eggs list of links and resources for Eclipse, plus a page of Eclipse Easter eggs for fun.

A.2.10. IBM Alphaworks on Eclipse site filled with Eclipse-related technology and articles from the IBM Alphaworks labs.

A.2.11. IBM Eclipse research source of information regarding IBM grants and programs centered on Eclipse-based technology.

A.2.12. PHP plug-in for Eclipse open source plug-in providing support for PHP, structured query language (SQL), HTML, and Jtidy. It includes syntax highlighting, command completion, and a preview of pages.

A.2.13. QNX's Momentics IDE build on Eclipse for writing code around a real-time OS.

A.2.14. QuickShare: XP programming for Eclipse lightweight code sharing plug-in for XP-like pair programming in a distributed environment.

A.2.15. Sangam: XP programming for Eclipse code sharing plug-in for XP-like pair programming in a distributed environment.

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