The Window class serves as a top-level display area that exists outside the browser or applet area you may be working in. A window must have a parent Frame.
public class java.awt.Window extends java.awt.Container { // Constructors public Window (Frame parent); // Instance Methods public void addNotify(); public synchronized void addWindowListener (WindowListener l);public void dispose(); public Component getFocusOwner();
public Locale getLocale();
public Toolkit getToolkit(); public final String getWarningString(); public boolean isShowing();
public void pack(); public boolean postEvent (Event e);
public synchronized void remove WindowListener (WindowListener l);
public void show(); public void toBack(); public void toFront(); //Protected Instance Methods protected void processEvent (AWTEvent e);
protected void processWindowEvent (WindowEvent e);
Frame that is to act as the parent of Window.
Constructs a Window object.
Creates Window's peer and peers of contained components.
One of this Frame's WindowListeners.
Remove an event listener.
An object that implements the WindowListener interface.
Add a listener for windowing events.
Releases the resources of the Window.
The child component that currently has the input focus.
The locale for this Window.
Toolkit of Window.
String that will be displayed on the bottom of insecure Window instances.
true if the Window is showing on the screen, false otherwise.
Resizes Window to getPreferredSize() of contained components.
Event instance to post to window.
If Event is handled, true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
Tells the Window to deal with Event.
One of this Frame's WindowListeners.
Remove an event listener.
Show the Window and validate its components.
Puts the Window in the background of the display.
Brings the Window to the foreground of the display.
The event to process.
Low level AWTEvents are passed to this method for processing.
The event to process.
Window events are passed to this method for processing. Normally, this method is called by processEvent().
Component, Container, Dialog, Frame, String, Toolkit
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