The EventQueue class is a facility for queuing Java 1.1 AWT events, either for the system or for some other purpose. You rarely need to create your own event queue; for most purposes, you will want to work with the system's event queue, which you acquire using the Toolkit.
public class EventQueue extends Object { // Constructor public EventQueue(); // Instance Methods public synchronized AWTEvent getNextEvent() throws InterruptedException; public synchronized AWTEvent peekEvent(); public synchronized AWTEvent peekEvent (int id); public synchronized void postEvent (AWTEvent theEvent); }
Creates an EventQueue for your own use.
If the thread is interrupted before an event is posted to the queue.
AWTEvent taken from the event queue.
Removes the next event from the event queue and returns it. If there are no events in the queue, this method will block until another thread posts one.
Next AWTEvent on the event queue.
Returns a reference to the next event on the queue without removing it from the queue.
Type of event to find.
AWTEvent with the given type id; null if no event with the given type is currently in the queue.
Returns an event with the given type if one exists, but doesn't remove the event from the queue.
AWTEvent, Event
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