The CheckboxGroup class provides the means to group multiple Checkbox items into a mutual exclusion set, so that only one checkbox in the set has the value true at any time. The checkbox with the value true is the currently selected checkbox. Mutually exclusive checkboxes usually have a different appearance from regular checkboxes and are also called "radio buttons."
public class java.awt.CheckboxGroup extends java.lang.Object implements { // Constructors public CheckboxGroup(); // Instance Methods public Checkbox getCurrent();public Checkbox getSelectedCheckbox()
public synchronized void setCurrent (Checkbox checkbox);
public synchronized void setSelectedCheckbox (Checkbox checkbox);
public String toString(); }
Constructs a CheckboxGroup object.
The currently selected Checkbox within the CheckboxGroup.
Replaced by the more aptly named getSelectedCheckbox().
The currently selected Checkbox within the CheckboxGroup.
The Checkbox to select.
Changes the currently selected Checkbox within the CheckboxGroup.
Replaced by setSelectedCheckbox(Checkbox).
The Checkbox to select.
Changes the currently selected Checkbox within the CheckboxGroup.
A string representation of the CheckboxGroup object.
Checkbox, Object, String
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